
2009-03-15 9:08 pm
有冇人可以幫我睇下有冇錯呀篇作文!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Nowadays most peoples like to set up their travel by themself . It is call backpacking. They plan go which counties and arrange the itinerary. They only bring a backpack or hand baggage. They don’t live in expensive hotels and by comfortable tourist coachs and don’t have a professional guide. Although backpacking is a difficult travl but it have many advantages.

回答 (3)

2009-03-16 12:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
有冇人可以幫我睇下有冇錯呀篇作文!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Nowadays most peoples like to set up their travel by themself . It is call backpacking. They plan go which counties and arrange the itinerary. They only bring a backpack or hand baggage. They don’t live in expensive hotels and by comfortable tourist coachs and don’t have a professional guide. Although backpacking is a difficult travl but it have many advantages.

Nowadays most people like travelling by themselves.
It is called "backpacking".
They usually decide what countries they will go beforehand and what they will do there.
All they need are backpacks and some simple stuff.
They don't even have to stay at any expensive hotel nor in any comfortable tourist coaches/sleeping cars.
Professional tour guides are not needed. (It is unnecessary to hire any professional tour guides.)
Although "backpacking" is not easy, it is considered advantageous to them.


2009-03-15 16:57:03 補充:
They don't even have to stay at any expensive hotels nor in any comfortable tourist coaches/sleeping cars.
2009-03-15 10:27 pm
Microsoft word對文法上的修改:

Nowadays most people like to set up their travel by themselves. It is call backpacking. They plan go which counties and arrange the itinerary. They only bring a backpack or hand baggage. They don’t live in expensive hotels and by comfortable tourist coach and don’t have a professional guide. Although backpacking is a difficult travel but it has many advantages.
參考: Microsoft word
2009-03-15 9:14 pm
現下大多數人喜歡透過他們自己設定向上他們的旅行。 這是背著背包徒步旅行的電話。 他們計畫去哪個縣並且安排旅行路線。 他們只帶來一個背包或者手提行李。 他們指導老師住在昂貴的飯店裡和由舒適的遊客車廂和指導老師有專業指南。 雖然背著背包徒步旅行是難的旅行,但是但是它有很多優勢。

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