a graphing problem!!

2009-03-15 5:03 pm
The function represents a roller coaster's route is
y= 100- (1/4)x^2

But at x=10, the euquation is changed to concave up parabola with eqation y=a(x-40)^2 in order to avoid an unpleasant meeting with the ground.

thus: y=100-(1/4)x^2 -----0≤x<10
and y=a(x-40)^2 ------x>10

*Find the value of a in the second piece of the function which makes the roller coaster work ( must be continuous and differentiable )
* On the graph state starting point, meeting point of the two functions and the point where the roller coaster safely returns to the ground.


in order to make the graph continuous and differentiable, there shouldn't be any corners and breaks ...etc, but how can you connect the two?

回答 (1)

2009-03-15 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For y = 100 - x^2/4 0 < x < 10.
when x = 0, y = 100, so the roller coaster starts at (0, 100).
Meeting point of the 2 functions is when x = 10, so y = 100 - (10^2)/4 = 75, so the meeting point is (10,75).
Put (10, 75) into the second function we get
75 = a(10 - 40)^2 = 900a, so a = 75/900 = 1/12.
For y = 100 - x^2/4, dy/dx = -x/2. At x = 10, dy/dx = -5.
For y =(x-40)^2/12, dy/dx = (x - 40)/6. At x = 10, dy/dx = -30/6 = -5.
So the graph is continuous and differentiable at point ( 10, 75).
For y = (x-40)^/12, when y = 0, x = 40. So the landing point is (40,0).

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