Shugo Chara

2009-03-15 12:11 pm
um...actually does anywunn no if theres any shop that sells shugo chara manga books (in HongKong)!!!!

And does anywunn noo who amu will choose...tadase or ikuto??

where can i go and watch the episodes? I can't find episodee 36 on youtube, im getting addicted to it!!!

btw episode 25 was sooo sad, i was crying when nadeshiko went to Europe to study... x(

thankyoooh && loveee yoooh <3

回答 (1)

2009-03-15 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Question1.What is anywunn?
tadase=(唯世) amu=(亞夢) ikuto=(幾斗)
sells shugo chara manga(comic?) books in HongKong Tin Shui Wai comic shop,you can go to this website watch Shugo Chara episode 36:;amp;iid=18975283
But,this episode is chinese subtitles
other Shugo Chara episode(Regular renewal ):
參考: me&

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