
2009-03-15 11:07 am
請問獨資經營既財務報表係唔係做到Profit & Loss就夠, 仲洗唔洗俾會計師做? 可唔可以講得詳細d, 有冇d獨資經營人士講解下你地既做法呢??

回答 (4)

2009-03-16 5:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
獨資經營既財務報表係Profit & Loss, T/B & B/s, 可以唔洗俾會計師做.獨資經營既做法可以上稅局綱站.有教做法.
2009-03-16 7:37 am
2009-03-16 6:07 am

但係好多無限公司都會搵會計師, 稅務顧問等, 幫忙做妥3樣野
1 profit & loss
2 balance sheet
3 tax computation & proper tax return

佢地解釋比我知係保障我地唔會咁易比稅局問野or查野, 因為你都知交得唔多稅or不用交佢就除時懷疑.

我d朋友都唔會自己做, 因為唔想take risk, 同埋搵個會計師比二,三千元又唔貴, 買個安心, 每年交幾百蚊稅, 總之唔駛稅局煩我.
我同我d朋友都係搵開專門做稅務既會計師朋友幫忙, 如你有咩問題可以電郵至[email protected] 佢都幾好人仕, 我間中都會介紹d行家搵佢幫手.
2009-03-15 5:23 pm
For tax purposes, you have to produce a complete set of financial statements to IRD - Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account and some breakdown of some expenses items and others e.g. Bad Debts expenses, Commission Paid etc.... It is not required for a CPA to do it for you as the sole proprietor is a firm and not a limited company, a separate legal person. The accounts of the limited company have to be audited by a CPA ( Practising ).

2009-03-20 09:04:35 補充:
accountantkent is not the first one to answer this question but repeating the answers given by others.

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