For the past 30-odd years點解?

2009-03-15 8:06 am
For the past 30-odd years點解?


原文 For the past 30-odd years, Treasury secretaries have generally focused on G7 conferencs.

回答 (1)

2009-03-15 9:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
For the past 30-odd years = 在過去30多年

For the past 30-odd years, Treasury secretaries have generally focused on G7 conferences.


You use this if you cannot say exactly how many years, so you just use "30-odd" years to signify that it's 30+ years.

如果你不可能正確地說30幾多年,你可用" 30-odd" 來代表30多年.

For example:

You can say "I've been watching this city grow for 20-odd years and it seems nothing has changed."

2009-03-15 05:46:22 補充:
Please note that you use 30-odd when it's more than 30 years but you're not exactly certain 30 + how many years. If it's around 30 years, could be less, then you would use "around 30 years". Only use "-odd" if it's more than that number.
參考: 知少少扮代表.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 13:42:30
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