
2009-03-15 11:21 pm

我是個有耐心,愛心,負責任的女生,"成為一位心胸廣大並且對社會有幫助的人"一直是我的願望,因此從大學開始便喜歡參與服務性社團,像是愛愛會(Love Love Club)幫助自閉症小朋友,帶他們到郊外玩耍,童癌童語社(CCS)陪伴台大醫院兒癌病房的兒童,讓他們待在病房時也能有娛樂活動,以及福青社(BW)提升自己的心靈並將對人們及環境有幫助的事推廣出去,例如母親節舉辦感恩晚會.寒暑假舉辦生命成長營等,這些都讓我感到十分地富足,讓我覺得生命正在一點一滴的茁壯

(I am a girl with patience, kindness, and responsibility. To be a person who is open-minded and helpful to the society has always been my hope, so I enjoyed participating in service organizations since I’d become a college student.)
這是今天就需要送出的,希望能有高手幫助,謝謝: )

回答 (2)

2009-03-16 12:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am a girl with patience, kindness and a sense of responsibility. It has always been my hope to become an open minded and helpful person to the society, so I greatly enjoy participating in service organizations ever since I became a college student.
2009-03-15 11:48 pm
"since I was a college student"

2009-03-15 15:49:03 補充:
or "ever since I became a college student"

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