Why do foreigners always think that Chinese love their home country is because they are brainwashed while?

2009-03-14 8:32 pm
foreigners love their country are reasonable

回答 (10)

2009-03-14 8:53 pm
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Because they don't seem to question it from a foreigners point of view. And if it does bad they either say its a developing country, its none of your business or say that someone else has done similar or worse.

Foreigners will question there leaders, protest when they don't argue, or in some cases run against there leaders when they do bad.

Angus, manly because I lived 3 years in China. Being political around a dinner table is not the same as campaigning for answers. As for media we all full well now that that state controls the media and that blogs are often blocked.

No the question is
"Why do foreigners always think...." and not "Why are Chinese brainwashed" All you have done is made a counter argument to "Why don't the Chinese gripe on about it in public." A foreigner is not going to read the blogs, read the local Chinese newspapers nor going to see the dinner conversions.
2009-03-15 5:15 am
To Hex above, how do you know Chinese don't question their government? Do you read Chinese newspapers, blogs, or other media? Do you listen in conversations between two chinese people? Or around family dinner table?

Most people don't like to air their dirty laundry in public, especially in front of strangers. This is especially true with Asian. A concept that is not known nor popular in western culture. Two sisters would rather sue each other on Judge Judy on national TV than resolve their issues over 500 dollars. This would never happen with Asians.

So don't mistake Chinese for being brainwashed just because they never gripe about their government on English media or in front of you. Unless you have yellow skin and eat dinner at their house.

I was not even born in China, not raised in China and didn't set foot in China until I was 28 years old. And I was accused as brainwashed Chinese communist in another question, not two days ago. Many westerners like to tout freedom of speech, but when they hear an opposing view coming from me, it's very typical to resort to the old and overused, you must be a brainwashed Chinese communist, or a member of 50 cent party, blah, blah, blah.

Hex, yes, campaigning is different from political debate on dinner table. But the question here is whether Chinese people are brainwashed. Clearly if they have differing views on their government, mean they're NOT brainwashed. Whether they have an outlet for it or not is not the issue here.
2009-03-15 8:38 am
Your statement is irrational and gross misrepresentation of the facts.

The problem is that you fail to make any distinction between the single party ruling your country and the country itself. It's because you think that party is the country. You label any person or group criticizing the activities of the communist party as a traitor, and condone all actions of party without questioning. You condone Tinanmen Massacre and term the students as traitors. You condone persecution of human rights activists. You accuse that all the media apart from CCP controlled one is biased. You think that the whole world hates you or is jealous of you.

In fact never before have I find a nation whose population's thinking is so much synchronized no matter what is the topic. It's not natural, such high level of synchronization does not exist in nature. It is the result of controlled and monitored dissemination of information by the party.

Please don't confuse loyalty to the party with patriotism. If you were really patriots you would have voiced your anger at the gross manipulation of Chinese population by CCP. The problem with modern China is that there is a dearth of real patriots. The students standing at Tinanmen were patriots, people signing Charter '08 are patriots, who are not afraid to be jailed or persecuted.

Get a backbone dear.
2009-03-15 11:01 am
Even Nazi Germany thought that they love their country. I don't see much difference between Chinese Nationalism and German Nationalism during the Nazi period. Both are imperialistic. "Loving your country" is a nice facade to hide your wrongdoings.

You are killing us Uyghurs wearing the veneer of nationalism.
2009-03-15 12:30 pm
You know the reason, only that you don't want to acknowledge it. When too many people say something, there is got to be an element of truth in that.

Like so many here have pointed out, you are forgetting the fine line of distinction between the Communist Party and the Nation that is China. For you loving your country seems to be dog like loyalty to the Communist Party of China. Their view the final view. If they say that foreigners are lying, you believe their words as sacred and final. Every problem is because of foreigners? I can't believe that! A country as tightly controlled as China cannot have any outsider creating a problem within the country.

Love your country as all should do, but don't take criticism of the Communist Party to be an insult to China. Can you do that? Can you make sure that dissenting voices against the communist party are not interpreted as treachery?

So my take is simple. 'When all Tibetan and ethnic minorities can say proudly that they are Chinese, a Falun Gong follower is not suppressed to practice his belief, a foreigner can travel without restriction in all parts of China, when CCP gives up its monopoly over power and allows other parties to contest for power, when the restrictions on media is relieved and censorship done away, then and ONLY then will I say that you are not brainwashed.

And for KathyM above me, just because you lived a significant part of your life in Canada, don't presume that you know all foreigners and their way of life. Your concept of foreigners seems to be just **WHITE RACE** in Europe and North America. There are still many countries where an average person doesn't know about Mc Donald and CNN. There are lot of other media sources apart from CNN and they may be biased but not as much as xinhua.
2009-03-15 2:49 pm
Dsianim said it so nicely:

"'When all Tibetan and ethnic minorities can say proudly that they are Chinese, a Falun Gong follower is not suppressed to practice his belief, a foreigner can travel without restriction in all parts of China, when CCP gives up its monopoly over power and allows other parties to contest for power, when the restrictions on media is relieved and censorship done away, then and ONLY then will I say that you are not brainwashed."

Could not agree any more.

I think erecting a memorial for the Tank Man and other student martyrs at Tinanmen Square will go a long way to convince the foreigners to think otherwise. A democratic setup is surely more open and more trustworthy for everyone. Why don't you people give it a try instead of living under the thumb of tyrants who do so much harm to your credibility?
2009-03-15 10:51 am
Because the only thing that the foreigners know about China is what they see on CNN and their local news media - which we all know is bias.

It's like an American saying they eat McDonald's everyday. There are now many healthy food choices on the McDonald's menu in the US, but not all "foreigners" know about it...all they know is McDonald's is greasy burgers, fries and milkshakes, and the obesity problem in the US cuz that's all they hear about from their news media.
2009-03-15 1:54 pm
because you always ask very annoying questions...
2009-03-15 12:14 pm
We chinese only love own country.nobody can accuse us.
just like that you consider invasions of iraq ,afghanistan a normal.
2009-03-15 1:03 pm
So the conclusion is if chinese are completely agree with your opinions, it proves chinese has not been brainwashed, if chinese are not agree with your opinion, chinese have been brainwashed.

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