Christians, Jesus said he did not come to bring peace but the sword, so why are you being all soft?

2009-03-14 12:03 pm
Matthew 10:34-38
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

Most of you Christians wouldn't know how to carry a cross if someone else helped you because you are too soft.
This is why Christianity is falling apart. To many soft girly girl Christians.
There is a time for compassion and there is a time for mercy, but there is also a time for hardness and tough love.
How do you ever expect the world to get better if you are rewarding wrong with compassion?
Oh Gino, don't say those things to the Christians and to the atheists. Show some compassion because the bible says to show some compassion.
We are almost 2000 years since Christ left. And Christianity is falling to pieces
I'll show compassion when Christians stop acting like sissies. And atheists stop acting like jerks.

回答 (13)

2009-03-14 12:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm no theologian, but I like that you're thinking like a man ... Right on brother
2009-03-14 12:09 pm
Two thoughts:

1. By "the sword," Jesus was speaking of division in and among family and larger social groups, not of physical violence. I don't think you disagree, but others who are less informed might.

2. Are all Christians obligated to take a hard tack in their approach with other people? I don't see any reason to think so. Jesus did some of the things that he did because he had to be "numbered with the transgressors," but Christians today might have other obligations.
2009-03-14 12:08 pm
You're entitled to your beliefs and I'm entitled to mine. I'm not going to stab with with a sword, and neither should you stab me. But if someone makes a lunge at you, then you do have a right to self defence.
2009-03-14 12:19 pm
You clearly do not understand the message of the turn the other love your enemies. In the old testament it was said 'an eye for an eye a tooth for tooth' that was under the old covenant before the Christ came. He was the 'new covenant' ordained by Jehovah God and sacrifices were no longer required to atone for sins of mankind. Jesus gave his life in order to atone for our sins, all we have to do is follow him to reap the benefits of the coming Kingdom.

Jesus also said the Ten commandments all hang upon just two love Jehovah God with your whole heart, strength and to love your neighbour as yourself.

When Jesus spoke of a sword he was illustrating his truths would not be accepted in the world and he would indeed divide households for each individual has free will, there will be those that follow and those that wont and opposers will be those in your own home.

‘If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own. Now because you are no part of the world but I have chosen you out of the world, on this account the world hates you’. John 15 v 18 & 19.

‘A slave is not greater than his master if they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also’. John 15 v 20
參考: Holy Bible.
2009-03-14 12:09 pm
It's a tough balance. Jesus was compassionate enough to have huge followings wherever he went....thousands of people! They wouldn't have sought after Him if they thought he was a jerk. He was also honest enough to make people mad enough to eventually crucify Him....we can have love and honesty at the same time....compassion and correction at the same time...
2016-04-04 5:09 pm
First of all, we never say it's a religion of peace. Muslims make that claim about islam, despite all the proof against it being peaceful. The Word of God is a sword. It cuts people, not literally to make them bleed silly. But it gets to them, ya know? Deep inside. Some people will believe and others won't and that will cause division, just like a sword can cause division. Jesus is that Word. He was there from the beginning with God, as it says in Genesis. What amazes me is that your very quran says to believe in the Torah, which would include Genesis and in the Gospel, which is all about Jesus. Jesus who is sinless and holy, who never hurt a person. As a matter of fact, when Jesus was being arrested, Simon Peter pulled out a sword and cut off the ear of a guard. What did Jesus do? Did He say kill him for me, as Muhammad has done? No! Jesus told him to put the sword away. Mat 26:52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. The Word of God is a sword. That is peaceful though. Just speak and it is done.
2009-03-14 12:49 pm

I'm not even a Christian, but even I know that Jesus (in Matthew) said 'bring a sword' not 'bring the sword'. It's in your quote.

This is about the fact that following Jesus and God will rock the boat/upset the apple cart because it will set you against people who don't. In this conflict of ideas you must to overcome this and win them over where you can. He was giving his followers a pep talk to help them face a life where people disagreed with them and decried and condemned them, but they would have to endure and overcome this.

It doesn't mean a physical sword or physical violence, you dummy! It means that taking Christianity to the world will upset the order of things, so be ready for that.

Luke's account of the same events is plain and to the point. Jesus says

'Do you suppose I came to establish peace on earth? No indeed, I have come to bring division.'

I don't think this is hard to figure out, considering that Jesus also said
"Put your sword back in its place ...for all who draw the sword will die by the sword."

"When you enter a house, first say, `Peace to this house.' If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; if not, it will return to you."

"Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you"

"But you must love your enemies and do good; and lend without expecting any return; and you will have a rich reward ... be compassionate as your Father is compassionate."

I don't expect you really want answers that don't agree. But I find it hard to walk away silent when I see such bitterness, though I know it's a bit pointless getting involved.

For what it's worth - get of your a.rse and read your bible properly, not just looking for bits that support your anger and misplaced pride.
參考: Dog-eared red letter bible
2009-03-14 12:49 pm
Brother you are correct, These religious mad folks try to hide such negative things and act that there is nothing written such thing. Or they will tell there must be some hidden meaning.

No, What Jesus is telling we should listen always still if it is negative.
When he is speaking to Nicodemus, He said "God send his son into the world to not condemn it, but to save it". The same Jesus is telling to Samaria woman "There will be a time where people will worship God in their hearts as god is a Supreme Soul".

Now for you question, if you just put in mind the speaking of Jesus with Nicodemus and Samarian woman. The conclusion is :

How woman's enemy is his mother?
How man's enemy is his father?.

The world is after Jesus continuously improved in the areas of Love peace and more towards , leaving guilty, condemnation in hours might be in seconds although you done a mistake in your life.. and people are born again from their mistakes by filling with the Jesus quickly. This particular fastness of loosing guilty and improvement in the life although something wrongly they acted: will make a mother Jealous after her daughter, if she compares her life with her daughter's life. Where she used to feel guilty a lot of time, slowness in her life compared to her daughter. same is between father and son... etc........
This fastness of curing one by himself with the God help will give a lot of difference between Generations. That is what is he meant.
what Jesus said is remember always true........... why....Remember....... there is only one evidence on earth who was seen or came from the supreme Soul our father, It is only ........Jesus.. There is no such Power like Jesus was never dwelled on earth.. if you look at any other religion or any heroes or gods. whatever he said is always true as he is the only one from the incorruptible, illimitable and infinite God..
In other words he himself is the incorruptible part of the Soul God ,,,like bible says the word of God. I can say the compassion or thought or the heart or the true love of God. and came to earth after seeing so many people like u, me , Solomon, Abraham are seeking after for who is God & what is his existence and what is the truth.

So,, that Supreme Soul took the shape of Christ Jesus on earth to reveal the truth and to nourish the truth to those who are seeking it like Solomon, u , me.

U don't have any relationship in history between man and God, except through Jesus Christ..............May God helps you to understand this.
2009-03-14 12:16 pm
It depends what you are being soft about, and what you are bringing to the sword. Things like peoples feelings shouldn't be taken lightly.

Goodness, I can just see how many people are now going to take the word "sword" literally.
2009-03-15 2:45 am
As a follower of Christ I am surprised that your are advocating violence. In Matthew 26:51-52 Peter wielding a sword cut off the ear of the servant of the High priest---to which Jesus replied " 52Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword."
2009-03-14 12:09 pm
Why would the disciples have roman torture devices at their homes when they weren't even expecting Jebus to show up?

The cross/ankh is a medical symbol, it represents medicine, it's a caduceus symbol.. just like when Moses puts Jesus the serpent upon the cross in the Old Testament.. If you look at the Egyptian art they're often holding the ankh/cross up to their mouths as if they're eating it, and they also sometimes represent it with the serpent upon it. They also have the serpent coming out of their 3rd eye representing that they're as wise as the serpent. hehe

"Take your cross and follow me" is not physically carrying something, they were taking something, a medicine. Half the bible is shamanism.

Learn your mythology..

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