Why are Christians and Muslims particularly persistent in foisting their religious beliefs on others?

2009-03-14 11:57 am
Every so often, I run into Christian missionaires intent on converting me over to "The Truth". I explain to them that everyone's version of the Truth is different: they're entitled to their beliefs while I am entitled to mine. Most of the missionaries are kind and understanding, but I've encountered quite a few who went on to speak of hell and damnation.

More infuriatingly, I was particularly offended at my Muslim grandfather's funeral when the presiding imam took advantage of the situation to expound on how we (his Chinese audience, largely Buddhist or atheist) would all be going to hell if we didn't believe in Allah. I can accept proselytism on the street, but proselytism at a funeral is really beyond the pale.

Anyway, why *are* Christians and Muslims so very persistent in "spreading the word" and generally foisting their beliefs on everyone? I have yet to meet a Jew, Hindu, Sikh or Taoist who tried to convert me. I myself am Buddhist but I have never attempted to convert anyone, nor do I know of any Buddhist who has.

回答 (7)

2009-03-14 12:01 pm
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There is a profound difference between Christian and Muslim fundamentalism, i.e. Muslim fundamentalism is (a) expansionist, (b) unsecularized, (c) politically protected, and (d) terroristic.
2009-03-14 12:01 pm
I did actually have a Chinese lady try to convert me to Buddhism once
2009-03-14 12:00 pm
because they believe they are right and have the one true answer
2016-11-01 12:00 am
The Quran has many verses that say you may no longer. How can Muslims artwork with christains whilst Allah (allah's prayers on him) says O Prophet! try against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their wonderful residing house is hell, a hapless journey's end. S. 9:seventy 3 Pickthall O believers, combat the unbelievers who're on the brink of you; and enable them to locate in you a harshness; and comprehend that God is with the godfearing. S. 9:123 Arberry of path christains can artwork with others and that they are to "love their enemy". Allah has commanded Muslims to combat their enemy. i'm particular some Muslims will teach verses that are non violent, yet those are from whilst Mohamed (allahs prayers on him) replaced into susceptible and have been abrogated.
2009-03-14 1:54 pm
I am so sorry that thoughtless person was more concerned about his agenda than about comforting the family at your grandfather's funeral. It must have been awful.

I am a Christian and am concerned about the heaven & hell issue to this extent.....if it is true I want to go to heaven someday and all my family & friends so there will never be a forever goodbye between us.

The monk at the Buddhist temple here is a Christian. He says that Budda never intended to be a God, people made him into one. Budda just wanted to make life better for people here on earth by his teachings.
2009-03-14 12:10 pm
These people have spent their lives believing in these things. They have been brought up this way and will not change. They have a right to say these things just as you have a right to tell them they are brainwashed. All religions try and convert people it just seems that these religions have more people so they are the most obvious. All people want people to believe in what they do that way they can convince themselves they are right.
2009-03-14 12:05 pm
Mission work = marketing and the cheapest form is the testimonial approach by converts.

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