
2009-03-15 6:11 am
The osseous alignment is normal. There are extensive areas of increase in subchondral marrow signal suggestive of contusions over the lateral femoral condyle. There is no associated cortical fracture and no osseous intraarticular body.
There is also no fracture at around the medial and lateral intercondylar tubercles. Position of the patella is normal. Medial and lateral femoral condyles are not hypoplastic.
Inside the knee joint,there is moderate amount of joint effusion. It demonstrates rather homogeneous T2 htperintensity with no layering and lipohaemarthrosis. Articular cartilages are normal. There is no feature of chondromalacia patellae. Joint spaces are not reduced and there is no obvious marginal osteophytes and no articular erosion.
There is complete disruption and loss of the normal striated appearance over the mid and proximal aspect of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) . The more distal fibres sag inferior . Posterior cruciate ligament is normal.
Over the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus, oblique running tear extending through the superior and inferior articular surfaces are noted. The anterior horn and the body are relatively normal. Size, configuration and signal intensity of the medial meniscus are normal.
Medial and lateral collateral ligaments and the medial and lateral patellar retinaculi are intact.
Quadriceps and patellar tendons demonstrate normal signal intensity.
There is no abnormal mass or fluid collection in the popliteal fossa. There is no distended bursa.

1)ACL tear. This is associated with bone contusion over the lateral femoral condyle and moderate amount of joint effusion.
2)Tear over the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus.
3)There is no other abnormality . In particular, there is no cortical fracture at around the intercondylar tubercles.



1)ACL tear. This is associated with bone contusion over the lateral femoral condyle and moderate amount of joint effusion. 2)Tear over the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus. 3)There is no other abnormality . In particular, there is no cortical fracture at around the intercondylar tubercles.

回答 (2)

2009-03-15 6:33 am
✔ 最佳答案

膝關節內有適量關節積水。它表明時刻htperintensity而均勻,沒有分層和lipohaemarthrosis 。關節軟骨是正常的。沒有任何特徵髕骨軟化症。聯合空格不會減少,而且沒有明顯的邊緣osteophytes ,也沒有關節侵蝕。
有完整的破壞和損失的外觀正常橫紋肌的中期和近端方面,前交叉韌帶( ACL ) 。更遠端纖維凹陷下。後十字韌帶是正常的。

2009-03-15 9:50 pm
膝關節內有適量關節積水。它表明時刻htperintensity而均勻,沒有分層和lipohaemarthrosis 。關節軟骨是正常的。沒有任何特徵髕骨軟化症。聯合空格不會減少,而且沒有明顯的邊緣osteophytes ,也沒有關節侵蝕。
有完整的破壞和損失的外觀正常橫紋肌的中期和近端方面,前交叉韌帶( ACL ) 。更遠端纖維凹陷下。後十字韌帶是正常的。

1 )前交叉韌帶撕裂。這是與骨挫傷了股外側髁和適量關節積水。
2 )撕裂的後角的外側半月板。
3 )沒有其他異常。尤其是,沒有皮質骨折周圍間結節。

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