✔ 最佳答案
Most arguments against polygamy are religious based. Polygamy is also a criminal offense in many countries.
There have been some strong evidence of the negative effects of polygamy, but at the same time, some of the nomadic tribes in South America practice polygamy and do live in complete harmony. So, it's difficult to argue whether it's right or wrong.
Here are some common argument against polygamy. You can see if you can incorporate these into your paper.
1. "A man cannot be one flesh with more than one woman!"
"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh"
One flesh means the union of a man and a woman during sexual intercourse based on religious beliefs
2."The Bible says that every woman should have her OWN husband and every husband his OWN wife!"
3. "Polygamy is adultery, and 'neither shalt thou commit adultery'! Deuteronomy 5:18!"
You may also want to incorporate some of your own views concerning polygamy.
Questions for you:
Do you object it because it's an unknown to you? (because your parents are not polygamists)
Is it because everyone around you objects it?
Do you believe it'll promote more violence and conflicts?
Do you believe people should not share what is their "possession"?
Keep asking yourself, why is it wrong?
There were a few criminal cases recently in the state of Utah, where some of the polygamists were charged with some offenses. I think some of the more serious charges were having sexual intercourse with minors (18 & under), rape, and arranging marriage between a minor and an older man. Those are some of the criminal evidence you can use.
You can read about those cases here:
2009-03-15 04:23:06 補充:
By the way, a valid argument can be made that if you legalize polygamy, you can better control it. That is, you can legislate laws to define its boundaries instead of people inventing their own form of polygamy, like marrying minors with older men.
2009-03-15 04:23:52 補充:
It's just something for you to think about as you make your argument. Perhaps it would be easier to write a case argument for polygamy!
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