英文作文!!!!!!help !!!!! 搵point

2009-03-14 4:24 pm
作呢兩題有咩point 可以寫? 請用原正英文句子問答! thx
1. putonghua should be made a compulsory subject . (agree)

2. measure to combat drink driving are sufficient in hong kong

回答 (2)

2009-03-14 5:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Firstly, Putonghua should be made a compulsory subject in Hong Kong since Hong Kong is a part of China under the One Country Two Systems. The mojority of population in China speak Putinghua so in order to communicate with them, i think making Putonghua a compulsory sunject is essential. Secondly, Putinghua has gradually become a really important language in the whole world. Some poeple even said that it was the scond important language in the world apart from English. Once again it proves that why we should make Putonghua a compulsory subject. Furthermore, apart from cantonese, i think that learning another language is quite useful for the student in Hong Kong because most of the schools in the UK ask their students to pick another language to learn. This can effectively improve their language skills and i personally think that only learning Cantonese is not enough for Hong Kong students. Putonghua should be made a compulsory subject to improve the competitiveness of Hong Kong students.

2. In my opinion, i think measure to combat drink driving arent sufficient in Hong Kong. As we can see from the previous drink drving news, we know that many of the drink driving drivers are only punished by a pecuniary punishment and community service. This definitely proves that the measure to combat drink driving arent sufficient in Hong Kong. Moreover, lives are also being put at risk because police are failing to enforce Hong Kong drink-driving law strictly. In addition, it is illegal to drive with more than 22 micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath but its police policy to allow drivers who give readings of up to 27 micrograms to drive on with only a warning. From this we can see that measure to combat drink driving arent sufficient in Hong Kong and there is still room for improvement.

* I wrote it all by myself so dont copy this answer n pretend its urs to gain yahoo point !
參考: Me and south china morning post
2009-03-20 2:24 am

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