translation 知人善用 into English

2009-03-14 2:08 pm
Can someone tell me how to correctly translate 知人善用 into English version.


回答 (7)

2009-03-16 12:28 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. Get the right person for the right job.

2. Make a perfect match between employee and job.

3. Make the most of human potential.


2009-03-15 17:46:56 補充:
“知人善用” – 我認為, 最主要分兩方面.

第一, 1 & 2 都係指 “找最適合的人選去完成工作”

第二, 3 係指“對於有潛質, 有才能的人, 給與發揮的機會, 以達至管理上最佳的效果”

2009-03-15 18:02:30 補充:
如果工作和人選之間出現“錯配”的情況, 不單只講不上“善用”, 就連“知人”都未做得到!

以上1-3 都是簡單版的譯法, 如果要全面D, 睇下以下的譯法是否OK.

2009-03-15 18:03:55 補充:
以上1-3 都是簡單版的譯法, 如果要全面D, 睇下以下的譯法是否OK.

Get the right person for the right job by understanding employees' personality traits and unique talent.


Make a perfect match between employee and job by understanding their personality traits and unique talent.

2009-03-18 02:13:50 補充:
您好! mancheung323

只有真正的朋友, 就算答同一條問題, 也只會感覺到良性的競爭,


2009-04-12 6:35 pm 為知人善任作的解釋很 貼切,兼顧詞內每個字的意思,特別適用於上司用人的情况:
To know one's subordinates well enough to assign them jobs commensurate with their abilities

2009-04-12 10:39:08 補充:
To know people well enough to assign them jobs commensurate with their abilities

2009-03-16 5:47 pm
首先, "知人善任"是較為普遍使用的四字詞語, 而 "知人善用" 與前者是同義。
知人善任是指用人之道 , 這是講到領導藝術時,經常要說到的一個詞。什麼叫知人善任?首在於知人,其次是善任。若簡單說, 先理解一個人之長處, 而後作合適的委任。目的是使其充份發揮所擅長之範籌。
well aware of one's ability that appropriate conscription is formed.

2009-03-16 10:00:11 補充:
Hi, hfchan:

很久沒見你答題了, 剛見你作答, 在下也趁高興試答, 互勉之!
2009-03-15 11:33 am
知人善用 into English version= know how to get the most suitable with potential skilled person to do the job well
2009-03-15 6:55 am

translation 知人善用 into English
Can someone tell me how to correctly translate 知人善用 into English version.
Your question should be:
Can anyone tell me how to translate "知人善用" into English?
The answer to your question is:
To appreciate people's great talent and potential and invite them to work for you.
The banker appreciated Peter's great talent and potential, so he invited him to work for his bank.

to use someone = 利用人 <--- 有負面意思 <-- 最好不要用在(善用)這個正面詞內


2009-03-14 8:28 pm
make use of people wisely
2009-03-14 6:44 pm

choose good quality people and use them well!
參考: 我

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