
2009-03-14 11:14 am
I have eaten dinner with my friends tonight. These friends were my partners of working in a hair salon. I already meet them for about five years. We experienced lots of things when we're working together. We're not working together now but our feelings are still desirable. It's nice for me to meet them.

Becoming a hair designer was my dream. I don't know why I had this dream that time.
I think it's nice and smart for me to become a hair designer. However, I don't have this
thinking now. I really admire some people who working is equal their dream and I also want to become the worker of this type. I still can't find what my dream is now.

I sometimes deem if it's naïve to find my dream work. In fact, I deem the meaning of
working is which spend my own time and ability to make other people get some help and
convenience so I shouldn't think some meaningless things again.

"I sometimes deem if it's naïve to find my dream work" 這句我想講: 我有時覺得去找尋一份dream work是否好幼稚. 如有錯誤,請幫我改正,thank you.


另外,我想問問,lots of 同 a lot of 有咩分別..thank you

回答 (3)

2009-03-16 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have dinner with my friends tonight, who are my ex-colleagues in hair salon (in my previous job). I had known them for almost five years. We had experienced a lot of things when we were working together. Although we do not working together now, we are still maintaining a good friendship and I am happy to hang out with them.

My dream (in the past) was to become a hairstylist (hair designer), though I did not have special reason for this. It might because hairstylist was seemed to be cool and stylish to me (when I was young). However, I don't have this kind of thinking anymore now. Indeed, I do really admire some people who can find and work for their dream job (work) and I would like to be one of them. But, (the fact is that) I am still searching for my dream now.

Nevertheless, I am sometimes doubt about the idea of finding my dream work. I believe that we are paid for working and solving any problems that boss is requested. Therefore, I am no longer to think of my dream work anymore.

- This is better to use "colleagues" instead of "my partners of working in". Also, "colleague" means the "people who is working with you in same company".
- "ex-colleague" means 之前既同事 or called: "former colleague"
- Better to use "hang out" than "meet". "hang out" = 約朋友普通出街見個面 (http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7008012002902)
- Better use "hairstylist" than "hair designer".
- I am not sure the meaning in your 3rd paragraph. Do you mean: "你認為上面諗法好幼稚..."??? If so, my writing for your 3rd paragraph is correct. Anyway, please let me know if I got wrong, thus I can make changes for you.
- 括號的字是給你另一選擇

Wish this can help ~

2009-03-16 12:55:05 補充:
About your question of "lots of 同 a lot of 有咩分別", you might reference below:


2009-03-16 13:00:18 補充:
Revised on your 3rd paragraph:

Nevertheless, I sometimes wonder if this is rational to search (look) for our dream work, as we are paid for working and solving any problems that boss is requested (assigned). Therefore, I am no longer to think of my dream work anymore.
2009-03-19 2:56 pm


2009-03-14 11:55 am
I ate dinner with my friends tonight who I have known for five years. They were my colleagues in a hair salon previously. We experienced lots of things when working together. We are currently not working together at this time. It was nice for me to meet with them.

Becoming a hair designer is my dream. I do not know why I had this dream.
I think it's nice and smart for me to become a hair designer. However, I no longer have this thinking now. I really admire some people who can achieve their goals, and I also want to become one of those people. I have not achieved my ultimate goal yet.

I admire individuals who envision their goal and make them a reality. I believe I will be able to achieve my goals with the proper discipline and work ethic needed. Nonetheless, I will need to be patient in achieving my ultimate goal.

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