Express 0.005378 correct to 3 significant figures.?

2009-03-13 9:46 am
What the hell are significant figures and how do I solve this question? Thanks ;)

回答 (8)

2009-03-13 9:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
2016-12-09 8:05 am
Correct To 3 Significant Figures
2016-08-03 9:00 am
Perhaps, but I'm not 100% on it
2016-02-15 3:35 am
2009-03-13 10:12 am
= 0.00538 (rounded to 3 significant figures)
2009-03-13 9:57 am
The answer is 0.00538, because 0.005378 rounds up to 0.00538

Rules for Counting Significant Figures

Rule: All non-zero digits are significant.
12.83 cm [4] 16935 g [5]

Rule: Zeros between other significant figures are significant.
12 038 cm [5] 169.04 g [5] 70 304 g [ ] 395.01 kg [ ]

Rule: Zeros to the right of a decimal point and to the right of a number are significant.
12.380 cm [5] 169.00 m [5] 3.010 mL [4] 1.30 kg [ ] 1691.100 cm [ ]

Rule: A zero standing alone to the left of a decimal point is not significant.
0.421 g [3] 0.5 m [ ]

Rule: Zeros to the right of the decimal and to the left of a number are not significant.
0.000 421 mg [3] 0.001 80 cm [3] 0.010 kg [ ] 0.01010 m [ ]

Rule: Zeros to the right of the last number but left of the decimal point may or may not be significant. This information is known only to the person that made the measurement. Use scientific notation when in doubt. The use of a bar over the last significant zero is acceptable as well as using the decimal point to indicate that all digits to its left are significant.
4000. g [4] 3400 kg [2] 69 700. mL [ ] 4.50 E 2 g [ ]
2009-03-13 9:53 am
0.005 (because the three rounds down)
2009-03-13 9:52 am
significant figures is pretty much the same as saying 3 decimal places so id just go 0.005
but im not 100% sure

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