✔ 最佳答案
1. 20度的側彎已開始進入中期,請問可否把增長的角度減下來?
There are special desing splint to be wear to control the curve of 脊柱側彎. You better see an orthopaedic surgeon or Public hospital.
2. 可否把已側彎的脊骨修正番? Theoretically not unless perform surgery. But if jst 20 degree, most surgeon will not recommend.
3. 有脊柱側彎的人可否做運動? From point of view of orthopaedic surgeon, there is no limitation for your usual sports activity.
4. 是關脊醫建議在物理治療期間,不能做任何運動,連游水、PE也不能。??
5. 物理治療過程很漫長,物理治療的收費也不便宜,對我們來說是一個沉重的付擔......請問可有其它更好的方式? For children who has spine problem, I suggest you to get a referral letter from any medical practitioner/ general doctor to orthopaedic department of public hospital. For children or adolescent case, there is high priority to see the patient and usual waiting time is very short!
6. 如果不能長期付擔私家脊醫的收費,等候政府醫院的治療也是一個好的決擇? Waiting time is short, why not?
7. 政府醫院的治療過程又是如何?過程又要幾耐?Depend on the patient's age, severity and remaining growth potential, different treatment exist, you better get a referral and discuss with the doctor there!
8. 政府醫院、私家脊醫的分別是什麼?兩者對病人 (長期), 會有較理. No comment as I do not want to comment other people(脊醫).
If you want further information, you can go to myblog to have a look of this condition.
2009-03-17 21:53:31 補充:
"樹熊醫事簿" is myblog's name