每股盈利 及 每股盈利 (ttm) 的分別?

2009-03-14 6:58 am
最近在 香港Yahoo! 看到 新世界百貨 (0825) 的股票報價內 每股盈利 (ttm) 為 4.968 , 但 Click 入去看財務比率 , 每股盈利又寫成 0.2858 , 請問一下兩者有何分別?

一個是「每股盈利 (ttm)」


感謝回答! 可是若答案是這樣的話,照理在公司未出財務報表前,公眾人士應不知該公司的財務狀況,但為何 香港Yahoo!財經可以獲得最新的每股盈利數據以計算(ttm)之用呢?而且有些公司的會計期間不一定為每月,有些為每季,我想這樣也難以計算。再者,如果只有計算(ttm)時才知道數據,其他外界人事(如散戶)不能獲得數據,這樣又好像不合理。 這裡面是否還存在一些問題呢...

回答 (1)

2009-03-14 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Earning TTM per share is the total earning for the past 12 month.
Earning per share is the earning reported by the company for the previous financial year.

1. Financial year may not be the same as the past 12 month. If you go the the following link, you can see the earning is 0.29 as of Oct 2008.

This number is the same as the annual report by the company.

2. The ttm should be an updated number about 12 month before the time of the quote (about 3/2008 to 2/2009 as of now). This number should be a bit more updated than the other.

However, I fail to find any information of how this 4.968 is computed from the company website:

Assuming both numbers are correct, it means either that the company has made a lot of improvements during the past 4 months, some large revenue deal has been made or some unpaid sales have been paid.

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