
2009-03-14 6:28 am
This article discusses consumer preferences in eating out. A review of several recent consumer-satisfaction studies in restaurants outlines five attributes and the most frequently mentioned is attributes related to settings and environment. Food-related attributes came in only at a far second. Thus, earlier studies have emphasized aspects of environment in restaurants at the expense of exploring the quality of food. Thus, a study was conducted to investigate the measurement of food quality and determine its relationship with consumer satisfaction. Interviews of 15 respondents who have visited and eaten in restaurants recently were conducted and the main question was to describe the last eating-out experience. Results show that the experience was favourable based on four criteria: service delivery, food, environment of restaurant, price and value for money. In conclusion, while service delivery continues to predominate in the minds of researchers, food is still the most important factor in restaurants.


回答 (3)

2009-03-14 9:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
此文章討論消費者出外用膳的喜好. 從最近消費者滿意研究中,挑選了5項相關特質, 其他最被重視的是餐廳的佈置與環境. 食物質素只能緊次其後. 這樣, 早前的研究強調了環境方面而放棄了探究食物的質素. 因此, 這一個研究被帶領去調查測量食物的質素及找出食物質素與顧客滿意到的相關性.

此訪問邀請了15個最近到個餐廳用膳的受訪者, 主要是針對上次外出用膳的經驗作討論. 結果顯示,基於四種標準會被消費者讚揚, 其他包括: 送餐服務,食物,餐廳環境, 價錢及物超所值度.

總括來說, 儘管送餐服務在受訪者眼中持續佔領著優先的位置, 但食物在餐廳中仍然是擔任著最重要的角式.
2009-03-17 5:38 am
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2009-03-14 7:51 am
這篇文章談論消費者在出去吃飯的優惠。 幾項研究最近消費者滿意回顧在餐館概述常常地被提及的五屬性和是屬性與設置和環境有關。與食物相關的屬性其次仅進來了在。 因此,更早的研究犧牲探索食物的質量在餐館強調了環境的方面。因此,研究進行調查食品質量的測量和確定它的關係以消費者滿意程度。 參觀了,并且吃在餐館最近被舉辦15個應答者和主要問題的採訪是描述最後吃經驗。結果表示,根據四個標準是有利的經驗: 送貨服務、餐館的食物、環境,價格和現金交易價格。總而言之,而送貨服務在研究員的頭腦裡繼續佔優勢,食物仍然是重要因素在餐館。

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