F.3 BIO問題!

2009-03-14 6:19 am
1.Which of the following statements about enzymes is correct?

a. enzymes are made up of proteins or fats.
b. enzymes are denatured at 0'C
c. the optimum temperature of most enzymatic activities is 37'C
d. the activity of most enzymes is low at 80'C

2.Jelly does not set with fresh pineapple because jelly contains a protein called gelatin, which can be broken down by proteases in pineapple, kiwi fruit, papaya, guava, etc.

The results show that pineapple, kiwi fruit, papaya and guava contain proteases that can break down protein, but their activities differ from one another.

咁我想問呢到佢係唔係想表達係唔同既fruit juice到有唔到既結果係因為佢既specific ?如果唔係點解佢有唔同既結果?

回答 (3)

2009-03-14 6:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
a. Almost all enzymes are made up by proteins-->X
b. Enzymes will be denatured at high temp, but only inactive at low temp such as 0'C-->X
c. There are different types of enzymes in the world with different optimum temp. We cannot say that the optimum temperature of most enzymatic activities is 37'C-->X
d. Most enzyme will be inactive or even denatured at 80'C-->V

∴The best Ans is D

2.呢度真係唔係幾知........我諗每種生果有嘅type of pretease 都一樣,因為佢地都可以breakdown gelatin. 而唔同嘅activities可能泥自concentration of protease presence in juice帶來唔同rate of reaction,令jelly set up ge 程度唔同
5g啱唔啱 最好刀係搵老師confirm下好
參考: my biology knowledge
2009-03-14 6:29 pm
1. D, 幾乎只有嗜熱桿菌先有類似enzyme
2. 呢個世界有好多可以break protein, 全部都叫做protease (=enzymes to catalyze the digestion of protei)
參考: Form 5 Biology
2009-03-14 7:42 am
a. enzymes are made up of proteins or fats.----X (made up of protein)
b. enzymes are denatured at 0'C-------X (唔係denatured,係inactivate)
c. the optimum temperature of most enzymatic activities is 37'C-----X (唔同enzyme有唔同的optimal temp.)
d. the activity of most enzymes is low at 80'C-----X (成80度, 重唔係denature, 點會係inavtivate 呀!直程係non-function, not low activity)

SO, OVERALL 嚟睇,我會choose C, 因為人體的optimal temp.的確係37度!
2. jelly can set because of the presence of protein called gelatin. 但因為啲水果有protease which would break down 啲protein, 咁無咗啲
咁因為唔同的水果有唔同的protease, 咁佢哋break down啲protein的程度都唔同, 咁咪有唔同的結果囉!
參考: 自己

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