is air a solution?

2009-03-14 5:31 am
air 係mixture定係solution

mixture 同solution有咩分別?

回答 (3)

2009-03-14 6:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The short answer is: Yes, air is a solution.

air 係 mixture,亦係solution, 兩樣都係。

Long answer:

The easiest way to think about mixture and solutions is:

Mixture - when you mix 2 or more things together, you have a mixture.

For example: If you mix green papers with white papers, you have a mixture of green and white papers. You can tell them apart and can easily separate them . They're a mixture but not a solution.

Solution - solution is also a mixture but you cannot easily separate them apart.

For example: You put sugar into your coffee. The sugar now becomes a mixture with your coffee. They're a mixture and a solution because they've now become a same (homogeneous) mixture and you cannot separate them easily.

In solution, there is always a solute (the one with less quantity in the solution) and a solvent (the one with more quantity in the solution).

So, air has mostly Nitrogen and it's mixed with many different gases like Oxygen, CO2, etc and this mixture of gases cannot be easily separated. They're a homogeneous mixture. That makes air a solution.

The nitrogen is the solvent (the one with the most quantity in the solution) and oxygen and other gases are the solute (the ones with the lesser quantity in the solution).


2009-03-14 10:09:33 補充:
Just to be clear:

The short answer is: Yes, air is a solution and also a mixture.
參考: 知少少扮代表.
2009-03-20 11:48 pm
原來重點係睇can it be easily separate apart 來分辨solution
thank you!
2009-03-14 6:03 pm
Mixture 是不同種類的物質(可以是氣體或是液體)混合mix在一起,而solution是有solute dissolve在一種liquid裡面


正如town gas是mixture

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