Quadratics with Perfect Square Trinomials?

2009-03-12 3:13 pm
Heres the problem its in the picture.

can some one explain how to do it as well as the answer?

http://i44.tinypic.com/1zq323s.jpg WOW im stupid there it is

回答 (6)

2009-03-12 3:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let us see the picture,please.
2016-12-24 10:49 pm
x^2 - (3/2)x + (9/sixteen) = (13/sixteen) x^2 - (3/2)x = (a million/4) x^2 - (3/2)x + (3/4)^2 = (a million/4) + (3/4)^2 (x - (3/4))^2 = 13/sixteen If fixing for x, flow forward and take the sq. root of the two factors x - (3/4) = Sqrt(13)/4 x = (+/-)((?13) + 3)/4 All steps are interior the answer. edit: I did option D first...which might technically not enable B to happen; yet you're able to do B first then D.
2009-03-12 4:22 pm
(x - 6)^2 = 7
x - 6 = ±√7 (±√7 = +√7 or -√7)
x = 6 ±√7 or ±√7 + 6
(answer A and B)
2009-03-12 3:21 pm
Where is the picture ?
2009-03-12 3:19 pm
Where's the picture?
2009-03-12 3:16 pm
Where is the picture honey ?

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