
2009-03-13 5:44 am

回答 (2)

2009-03-13 9:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
雞蛋布丁 is called Egg Pudding or Egg Custard. The recipes of egg pudding and egg custard are as follows:
Recipe 1: Egg Pudding
Serving: 4 and cooking time : 40minutes
Ingredients: Eggs 3, Sugar 10 tbsp, Milk 2 cups, Vanilla essence 1/2 tsp and 2 tsp of sugar for caramel
1. Boil the milk and keep aside to cool down.
2. Beat the eggs very well. Add all these ingredients in bowl. Keep stirring continuously until it is mixed properly.
3. Take a steel vessel and sprinkle 2 tsp of sugar evenly.
4. Put that vessel on the stove until a brown layer(caramel) is formed.
5. Add the above mixture to the steel vessel and put it in a pressure cooker.
6. Remove it from the pressure cooker when it is cooked and refrigerate it for about an hour. Serve cold.
Website provided: http://www.cookchoice.com/recipe.php?recipeid=341
Recipe 2: Egg Custard
Ingredients: 1 cup milk , 1 cup cream , 1 vanilla bean, split, 5 egg yolks, 1/2 cup castor sugar
1. Bring milk, cream and vanilla bean to simmering point in a heavy-based saucepan. 2. In a bowl, whisk egg yolks with sugar until light, then whisk in warm milk and cream.
3. Return to rinsed-out pan and cook over a moderate heat for at least 10 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until mixture thickens and coats the back of a spoon.
4. Strain into a cold bowl, then scrape in some of the vanilla seeds from the vanilla pod. Serve warm or cold.
Website provided: http://www.cuisine.com.au/recipe/Egg-custard
Recipe 3: Egg Custard
Ingredients: 4 eggs, 6 tbsp. Sugar, 1 c. boiling water, 1 can evaporated milk, Dash of salt and 1 tsp. Vanilla
1. Beat eggs, sugar, milk and salt with a electric mixer.
2. Pour boiling water over mixture and add vanilla and stir well.
3. Put into custard cups or large baking dish.
4. Place bowl or cups into a shallow pan of water and place in oven.
5. Bake for 1 hour or until knife comes out clean.
Website provided: http://www.nancyskitchen.com/pudding_recipes.htm

2009-03-13 13:58:54 補充:
Recipe 4: Egg Pudding
Ingredients: 1/4 c Butter, 1/2 c Flour, 1/4 c Sugar, 1 pt Milk, 1 ts Vanilla and 5 Eggs; separated
Hard Sauce: 1/3 c Butter, 1 c Powdered or brown sugar, 1/2 ts Vanilla and Nutmeg

2009-03-13 13:59:36 補充:
1. Melt butter, sift flour and sugar and add to butter; stir in milk. Cook for 5 minutes.
2. Remove from fire and add beaten egg yolks. Add vanilla.
3. Fold in carefully the beaten egg whites. Place pudding dish in a pan of water and bake for about 40 minutes. Serve with any hard sauce.

2009-03-13 14:00:02 補充:
Hard Sauce:
1. Cream butter until fluffy; add sugar gradually, beating well after each addition. Add vanilla.
2. Serve over pudding or cake; sprinkle with a littlenutmeg. You can add a little grated orange rind.
Website provided: http://www.hugs.org/Egg_Pudding.shtml

2009-03-13 14:00:11 補充:
I sincerely hope that the above recipes can help you to make an excellent egg pudding.
參考: websites and my cooking experience
2009-03-14 5:58 am
(10杯, 每杯約120ml份量)

材料: 800ml 牛奶

4隻 蛋黄

50g + 30g 砂糖

25g 魚膠粉

2湯匙 無糖可可粉


(1) 魚膠粉+30g 砂糖拌勻

(2) 牛奶和餘下的砂糖 (50g) 用小火煮熱, 一邊煮一邊攪拌至糖溶, 熄火

(3) 拌入魚膠粉, 邊加邊攪拌至完全溶化

(4) 蛋黃拂勻

(5) 等牛奶溶液下降至80度左右, 一邊加入蛋黃, 一邊拌勻

(6) 用濾網隔去雜質, 取出一杯溶液, 加入可可粉拌勻, 平均倒入容器內 (每個約1湯匙份量), 放入雪櫃雪約半小時至凝固

(7) 將餘下的牛奶溶液加入容器中, 放入雪櫃雪約2小時至凝固即成


(1) 魚膠粉先拌入同等份量的糖, 才拌入液體中便會完全溶化, 不會起粒粒

(2) 選用較濃味的牛奶會較好, 亦可加雲呢拿油 (牛奶煮滾, 熄火後可按口味加雲呢拿油)

(3) 可用即溶咖啡粉代可可粉

(4) 雞蛋容易受沙門氏菌感染, 所以做這道甜品時, 要注意溫度. 沙門氏菌於70度或以上的高溫待超過7至9分鐘便會完全消滅, 所以做這道甜品, 清先將蛋殼洗淨, 而牛奶溶液下降至80度左在便加入蛋黃拌勻, 待10分鐘後才完成餘下步驟, 便可確保甜品不會受沙門氏菌感染了

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