
2009-03-13 5:30 am

回答 (3)

2009-03-13 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
未婚懷孕的少女 = teenage pregnancy

母親的抉擇 = Mother's Choice

金融風暴 = Financial Storm
(金融海嘯 = Financial Tsunami)

(大孢毛杯菌 = Cookeina insititia)

歐化藥物 = Europharm
(歐化藥業有限公司 = Europharm Laboratories Co. Ltd.)

危險駕駛導致他人死亡 = Causing death by dangerous driving

金黃葡萄球菌 = Staphylococcus aureus

手足口病 = Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD)

鼻咽癌 = Nasopharyngeal Cancer,NPC

2009-03-12 22:30:14 補充:
元宵佳節 = Lantern Festival

耐藥性 = associated
= Community-associated MRSA cases)

口腔潰瘍 = Oral Ulceration

2009-03-12 22:35:06 補充:
自殺襲擊 = Suicide Attack

分包銷商 = Sub-underwriter

與小巴相撞殉職 = crashed with mini-bus and die at one's post

2009-03-12 22:39:45 補充:
半影月食 = Partial Lunar Eclipse

生命熱線 = Life Hotline

2009-03-12 22:41:44 補充:
匯控供股 = HSBC right issue

2009-03-12 22:50:12 補充:
木匠劫鳳姐 = the carpenter robbed the prostitute
因病厭世蹈海 = because the seriously sick felt pessimistic the world, then jumped into the sea
2009-03-13 6:03 am
未婚懷孕的少女 unwed pregnant girls aged under 18

母親的抉擇 mother's choice

金融風暴 financial crisis

鼻咽癌 nasopharyngeal carcinoma

生命熱線 life hotline

手足口病 Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease
2009-03-13 6:01 am
Unmarried is pregnant the young girl, mother's choice, the financial storm, collects controls for the stock, the small spore trichobacteria, the suicide attack, the carpenter plunders the phoenix elder sister, the Europeanization medicine, bumped into with the minibus dies in the line of duty, dangerous driving caused other people death, divided the underwriter, the golden yellow staphylococcus, the drug resistance, the hand and foot stomatopathy, pharyngeal cancer, the Lantern Festival, the lunar appulse, the life hot line, jumped into the sea pessimistically because of sickness, oral cavity ulcer

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