✔ 最佳答案
未婚懷孕的少女 = teenage pregnancy
母親的抉擇 = Mother's Choice
金融風暴 = Financial Storm
(金融海嘯 = Financial Tsunami)
(大孢毛杯菌 = Cookeina insititia)
歐化藥物 = Europharm
(歐化藥業有限公司 = Europharm Laboratories Co. Ltd.)
危險駕駛導致他人死亡 = Causing death by dangerous driving
金黃葡萄球菌 = Staphylococcus aureus
手足口病 = Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD)
鼻咽癌 = Nasopharyngeal Cancer,NPC
2009-03-12 22:30:14 補充:
元宵佳節 = Lantern Festival
耐藥性 = associated
= Community-associated MRSA cases)
口腔潰瘍 = Oral Ulceration
2009-03-12 22:35:06 補充:
自殺襲擊 = Suicide Attack
分包銷商 = Sub-underwriter
與小巴相撞殉職 = crashed with mini-bus and die at one's post
2009-03-12 22:39:45 補充:
半影月食 = Partial Lunar Eclipse
生命熱線 = Life Hotline
2009-03-12 22:41:44 補充:
匯控供股 = HSBC right issue
2009-03-12 22:50:12 補充:
木匠劫鳳姐 = the carpenter robbed the prostitute
因病厭世蹈海 = because the seriously sick felt pessimistic the world, then jumped into the sea