English question (perposition)

2009-03-13 4:32 am
The parts are manufactured (in) oversea.
In above sentance, why don't need to add "in"?

Thank you!

回答 (3)

2009-03-14 10:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
because oversea is adverb,if the word is adverb,no need to add any word in front of this word and adverb should put to the back of the sentense.that it...............
I hope I can help you...............
參考: myself
2009-03-13 6:45 am
The preposition "in" is required when you mention a place.
2009-03-13 5:16 am
in 係用 when u r talking about one particular place...
like....The parts are manufactured in China.

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