英文stupid question

2009-03-12 10:43 pm
peter 比mary有多3個橙

回答 (4)

2009-03-12 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Peter has three more oranges than Mary.

Peter has, not have as 001 says.

2009-03-12 14:54:58 補充:
I have, you have
He has, she has, it has
Tom has, John has, Peter has, [any name] has
參考: 知少少扮代表.
2009-03-13 12:08 am
anwer two-Peter has three more oranges than Mary- is accurate.

Do you have something else to say as this question sounds really queer?
2009-03-12 10:54 pm
re answer 001, the correct answer should read as:

Peter HAS ......

Peter is in singular form so should not use HAVE
2009-03-12 10:49 pm
Peter have three more oranges than Mary.

2009-03-18 07:06:03 補充:

2009-03-20 07:17:42 補充:
I don't think answer 004 is correct.
參考: myself

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