What's the big fuss over eating dogs?

2009-03-12 3:18 am
Frankly speaking, I don't really care whether dogs are or aren't eaten in China and Korea. They might be, they might not be. What I don't understand is the big fuss over whether or not they're eaten.

Westerners tease or accuse Asians of eating dogs as if it is something nasty or horrible... very well, if their culture is against eating dogs, that's fine with me.

However, Asians deny the very existence of dog meat consumption with an equal vehemence. Personally, they might have never eaten dog meat, but who's to say that no one in China or Korea has ever done so? And even if dog meat IS eaten, so what?

I'm a Chinese girl... I've never knowingly eaten dog meat before, but if ever I am served it, I WOULD try it. And I wouldn't be ashamed. I eat cows, sheep and pigs, so why not dogs?

To Lara R: As a medical student and scientist, I am obviously against the consumption of stray animals. As a human, I would not eat someone's pet. However, if a dog is bred for the purpose of consumption - as they might be in some remote regions - then I don't see how they're different from cows and pigs.

回答 (17)

2009-03-13 2:57 am
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I agree. Although I've grown up in the US, I don't see what the big controversy is. Yes, I'm Chinese, too; not that it means anything, but still.

The idea probably started in the poorer villages, or in very lean times when there was absolutely nothing else to eat. It's similar to how some people will resort to cannibalism if they're desperate enough.

The thought behind eating dog meat is, in the more Western countries, in my opinion, just how Hindus and Jews are against eating beef or pork. It's the same concept; only this time, its one race against another, instead of one religion against the rest.

Most Chinese or Koreans, as far as I know, don't eat dog meat, I agree. So why the big fuss? Who knows. Many Chinese/Koreans do have dogs as pets, and most treat them even BETTER than their own children. Those making such accusations of Asians eating dogs and viewing it as disgusting might as well call themselves hypocrites and get it over with. It's simply another type of mammal. Humans ate all types of animals before the modern world came into place.

The whole Westernized world is much too critical--it's not as if Asian countries are the only ones eating meat, of any kind. They, too, are killing animals to be eaten. Much of their assumptions, in addition, is based off the idea that since Asians eat other 'odd/cute/disgusting' animals such as rabbit and snake, dogs automatically fall into that category too.

In fact, I believe it's actually illegal to eat many of the rarer animals in China. The only way to get it in a restaurant would be to go to one of those black market places.

Somewhat random: To the poster above who mentioned whales---whales aren't just killed to be eaten or killed for their oil; they're also a major ingredient in many perfumes today.

--and no, I've never eaten dog meat. I woudn't go out and order it, but I also wouldn't judge those who do, either. It's simply a matter of personal choice.
No reason for animal activists and others to become so inflamed over the topic--I don't see normal people becoming riled up over killing that sweet living plant over there, either.
參考: Simply my opinion, plus some facts I've gathered along the way from various readings.
2009-03-12 4:43 am
Okay, one of my best friend is an animal activist. I haven't seen him a long time but the last time I saw him, he basically put it this way.

It is very hyprocritical of western countries to judge other countries of their eating habits eg. "some" asians eating dogs. To be honest, why should a dog life be placed higher than that of a cow, chicken, pig etc.

Just because we decided a dog is more cute and loyal, eating it is barbaric. Essentially this is a western value. Basically western countries are trying to enforce their values on other cultures.

Now for the record, I love dogs myself and had many as pets. I can't imagine myself eating dogs but I would not judge other peoples that do.

Needless to say, my friend is a strict vegetarian.

Therefore anyone who judge people that eat dogs as barbaric and turn around to order beef burgers, chicken nuggets is just a hyprocrite...
2009-03-13 5:38 am
What difference does it make? Those who eat dogs are not going to stop it because of criticism anyway.
2009-03-12 3:26 am
I'm sure animal activists would be all over your question. lol
I agree with you and don't see why it has to be such a controversial thing.
It could be due to the fact that dogs are basically "mans best friend", a domesticated animal.
2009-03-12 6:28 am
There's nothing wrong with it really. Westerners aren't the center of the world, don't let their opinions effect you. Anyway, different cultures = different taboos.

Don't worry about it.
2009-03-12 5:09 am
I am agree with the poster above me.

As far I know, chinese has not the custom of eating dog, so there is not breding dog industry. Someone eat it just because they havnt ate it, they are curious about it.

What I am wondering is some westerners think it is natural to eat pork and beef without accusation from arab or india while pig and cow regards as holy animals in Arabic counties and India, but think some chinese eating dog is a very bad thing to do, just because they think dog is better than other animals. that is unfair.

And I dont support to steal pet to consume, too. Lots of chinese have their pets, and they treat them like their children. I think if westerners really care about the dogs, just stoping the gossip about how chinese eating dog, it will make less dog are consumed in restaurants by foreigners and native people, and less people lose their pets.
2009-03-12 7:44 pm
Ewww, how could people do that, they are so cute and friendly and use to be man's best friend before the internet came along.

And Hex, cows are just not lovable, friendly and smart as dogs, there's a reason why most normal people have dogs as pets and not cows.
2009-03-12 5:46 pm
I actually agree with you. I think the only people who has grounds to argue about eating dogs are strict vegetarians who don't eat meat of any sort. To the people who argue "dogs are domesticated" and "dogs are pets", well, there are parts in this world where rabbits, ducks, chickens, lamb, pig, horse, fish, etc. are also considered pets.

Westerners think it's wrong to eat dogs because their dogs are bred as companions. Well, just like how they setup farms to raise chicken, pigs, ducks, etc. for consumption, people in other parts of the world can setup farms and raise other animals for the same purpose. For example, rabbits are popular pets among children...but I am sure many people here have eaten rabbit before. It's nothing to you because that rabbit you just ate wasn't stolen from your neighbour's kid, but it was raised to be eaten, right?

On the other hand, is it ok to eat endangered species? But there are people in the world eating whales...so, shouldn't we be saying something about that instead ? Just a thought...
2009-03-12 3:27 am
It's an issue for people who believe that dogs are a man's best friend. I don't know if dog meat is a delicacy anywhere, but if people have only that to eat in order to survive then so be it.
2009-03-12 3:27 am
There are cows sheeps and pigs raised and bred for consumption.
They are sterilized, and not bred to be kept as pets (if they are, they are NOT got bought from the meat industry.)
Dogs are NOT bred on farms for eating. They can have so many diseases, or be someones pet.
I'm not teasing anyone for eating any kind of meat, but if you see someone take a stray animal from a street, cook it and eat it, that is nasty due to parasites and diseases.

and i wouldn't like it very much if someone came to my house to eat my dog.

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