Are you often surprised at the words spell check marks wrong?

2009-03-11 4:00 pm
Before I begin... yes, I'm a medical student. That should explain things a bit!

I'm not talking about technical terms such as "hydroxychloroquine", "hemispherectomy" or "thrombocytopaenia"...

Rather, there are certain words which I use a lot and have come to see as normal... for example, "potentiate" and "dysregulate". Like Microsoft Word, Yahoo Answers has just underlined them in red and says that I have "5 misspelling(s)" ... HAH!

"Potentiate" and "dysregulate" appear on every other page in medical textbooks and journals. Hence, I don't suppose I'm the only person who has begun to use these words in non-medical contexts such as...

"This new strategy will hopefully potentiate the peace process in the Middle East", or "dysregulation of currency will result in economic collapse".

These sentences look so normal to me... why does spell check have a problem with them? o_O

... Normal from a linguistic perspective, that is. I don't really believe any strategy can *potentiate* the peace process in the Middle East!


To Jesus C: Hahaha, I mean in English... terms that you'd personally consider to be everyday language in English =p

回答 (4)

2009-03-11 4:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Chell speckers are limited in what they can do. Basically, they have a built in dictionary of the most commonly used words. They can't possibly include ALL the words in a given language.

Sadly, the words you mention are not commonly used due to the dumbing down of our educational system. So, they are not included. I don't expect things to get better in this regard, as we noew have many college professors who can't use the language properly, let alone teach it.

But thanks, anyway, It was nice to see an intelligent post on YA for a change.

I agree with you about the mid-East, too. ;-)
2009-03-11 4:07 pm
Yes...Everytime I write in German everything is wrong...
2016-10-31 11:19 am
ok, get this. The spell checker has to first get previous your computers setup. It additionally has to get previous how your browser is setup. in case you have automated spell and grammar examine set for you computing device and your browser, you have a conflict with Yahoo's spell examine. that's actual not a huge significant situation. If answer's spell checker starts dealing with each and each be conscious, basically close it out, click achieved, and start up over. keep in mind, computers are machines, no gadget can tournament the human innovations, no gadget can study your innovations. computing device dictionaries are programed with the help of people, if there are blunders, this is the source. additionally, that's user-friendly to discover the final spelling and definition of any be conscious with out ever having to open a dictionary. basically type the be conscious in an empty tab and permit the internet do this for you. in spite of each and every thing that's what that's meant to do, provide you tips. I applaud your concern for the right use of spelling and grammar. maximum of overlook approximately it or poo poo it and a few are darn suitable belligerent if not antagonistic. yet face the reality, communication is important. much greater significant as quickly as we attempt to speak with the help of a media with basically typed words. definite, i exploit the t in of - ten.
2009-03-11 4:03 pm
Yes I have notice that also.

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