
2009-03-12 5:18 am
由於今個月的付款已安排, 此張發票可否下個月才付款?
(其實係因為對方的invoice無收到, 所以先無俾到.)

回答 (3)

2009-03-12 10:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please be informed that the payment of your invoice shall be arranged (paid) in next month as all the payments of this month had already been settled. Kindly note and thanks.


Kindly be informed that payment for this (your) invoice shall be arranged in next month since the payment arrangement of this month had been closed. Please note and thanks.

Notes: 如果你今個月一定不能付款的話, 不要問 “可否”,直接禮貌告訴對方下個月才付款吧!
2009-03-12 4:43 pm
The current month's payment has alrady been arranged, please advise if we can pay this invoice this month.

2009-03-12 08:43:44 補充:
The current month's payment has already been arranged, please advise if we can pay this invoice this month
2009-03-12 8:03 am
I would like to inform you that the invoice will be paid next month since the payment for this month had been arranged already.

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