公司的商業名稱(business name)

2009-03-12 5:04 am
請問公司註冊處每年向每間香港成立的公司所發出的周年申報表(Annual Return)上的商業名稱(business name)是什麼?請回答,謝謝!

回答 (3)

2009-03-12 6:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is the business name you used in a limited company apart from its own name. For example, you can have a limited company ABC Company Limited with a trading name Tai Fat. In this case, you have to aplly for a branch BR with this business name Tai Fat. The BR will be stated as ABC Company LImited trading as Tai Fai. You could then have your invoice, doucments printed with Tai Fat for trading pruposes. All transactions are recorded in the books of the limited company. A number of Hong Kong limited companies are using this trading names e.g. Watson's, 7-11, Manning etc.
In the Annual Return, if you have a branch name in this manner, just say so or else just leave it blank.
2009-04-04 6:25 am
my name is raymond li
我有一個 賺錢 website請 click 入去看
2009-03-12 4:27 pm
Business name 係一個品牌,如7-11係由怡和集團擁有,7-11就係一個Business Name。同樣情況,大班、美心、屈臣氏、百隹、惠康等都是同一情況。

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