
2009-03-11 11:19 pm
因本公司之客戶過期仍未能找清欠款﹐所以本人欲向客戶發出一封逾期發票加收三個per cent利息的英文信件(雙方協意為7天數期﹐而合約上已列明如該客不依期付款﹐我司有權收取該欠款總額的3個per cent作為利息)﹐請問格式及內容怎樣寫﹖



回答 (2)

2009-03-12 12:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Mr. XXX,

You are hereby notified that your payment of _______________________ Dollars ($xxxxx ), due on or before ________________________, has not been received by us. Under contract dated _______________ which was entered into between yourself and our company, we are entitled to collect from you overdue interest in an amount equal to 3% of total amount owed to us should repayment is not received by us within seven (7) days from the above due date. In this connection, we are enclosing our invoice demanding payment for the total amount owed to us together with the overdue interest thereon.

Upon receipt of the attached invoice please arrange immediate payment. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Please feel free to call the undersigned if you have any questions to the foregoing.

Yours sincerely,


2009-03-13 14:49:53 補充:

According to the terms and conditions of the contract which was entered into between yourself and our company, we are entitled to collect ......
參考: myself, myself
2009-03-12 10:01 pm
多謝回應者 lee88318挺快的回覆,我想問一下﹐信上所指的合約日期是指簽約當日﹐還是合約到期的日子﹖那客人其實是我們的franchisee,或者可否不提及合約的日期而改作 under the contract date which was......可不可以呢﹖

p.s. 因我的英文水準不好﹐請你指教指教﹐ 謝謝﹗﹗

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