Is it possible for an object to be moving in one direction while the net force acting ...PLZ hELP...?

2009-03-11 4:19 am
Is it possible for an object to be moving in one direction while the net force acting on it is in another direction? Explain.
Plz help , i don't understand it..
ty =)

回答 (4)

2009-03-11 4:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
If the object is already in motion, a net force in the other direction would only slow it down, until it reaches a stop. Then it would start to move with the net force.
2016-05-27 3:26 pm
Read Newton's 1st Law again. If an object is moving at constant velocity and there is no net force acting on it, then there is nothing to stop it or even slow it down
2013-11-23 4:26 pm
Indeed it can. An object in a horizontal motion on a surface with friction. The friction force acting on that object is always opposite its direction.
2009-03-11 1:37 pm
No, the direction in which where an object moves depends on the direction of the force applied on it. They are parallel and must be parallel if an object is to move.

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