Solve for x: 3^x = 15?

2009-03-10 11:44 am
You need to use logarithm and exponential laws for this.
Please help!

回答 (5)

2009-03-10 11:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
3^x = 15
xlog3 = log15
x = log15/log3
2009-03-10 6:50 pm
3^x = 15
x=ln(15)/ln(3) answer//
2009-03-10 7:08 pm
3^x = 15
log(3^x) = log(15)
(x)log(3) = log(15)
x = log(15)/log(3)
2009-03-10 6:52 pm
From your original expression we get

xlog3 = log15

So x = log15/log3 Get the logs from Excel or a book of tables

Then x = 1.1761/0.4771 using logs base-10

And so x = 2.4650 to 4 decimal places

Check: 3^2.4650 = 15 using Excel
2009-03-10 6:50 pm

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