parts of speech(1日)

2009-03-11 2:31 am
a.Studying arts subjects like Chinese History requires a good ___________.
b.The round gold frame glasses are one of the __________ of the Gandhi.
c.Studying without understanding is called rote ________. It is not good for learning.
d.The _____ statue in the Victoria Park is to commemorate Queen Victoria.
e.To be a cashier, he has to ______ a lot of product codes for entry.

a.In the second World War, a lot of Jews were sent to ________camps where they were tortured to deaths.
b.Some students do not ___________ in class, wasting their precious learning opportunity.
c.Most juice drinks are made of _______, not fresh juice.
d.Tsim Sha Tsui is __________ with hotels and brand-name shops like LV.

a.A tennis coach gives ________________ to beginners on basic tennis skills.
b.The language _____________ of the college are all experienced and caring.
c.All students are ________ not to bring mobile phones to school.
d.The use of powerpoint presentation meets__________ need of most teachers.

a.Not reading the newspaper every day may make us __________ of current affairs.
b.Poor student’s often________ the importance of learning.
c.___________ is often a major reason of making mistakes.
d.Many elderly people live___________ , not aware of the development of society.

回答 (1)

2009-03-11 5:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a.Studying arts subjects like Chinese History requires a good memory.
b.The round gold frame glasses are one of the memories of the Gandhi.
c.Studying without understanding is called rote memorization. It is not good for learning.
d.The memorial statue in the Victoria Park is to commemorate Queen Victoria.
e.To be a cashier, he has to memorize a lot of product codes for entry.

a.In the second World War, a lot of Jews were sent to concentration
b.Some students do not concentrate in class, wasting their precious learning opportunity.
c.Most juice drinks are made of concentrate, not fresh juice.
d.Tsim Sha Tsui is concentrated with hotels and brand-name shops like LV.

a.A tennis coach gives instructions to beginners on basic tennis skills.
b.The language instructors of the college are all experienced and caring.
c.All students are instructed not to bring mobile phones to school.
d.The use of powerpoint presentation meets instructional need of most teachers.

a.Not reading the newspaper every day may make us ignorant of current affairs.
b.Poor student's often ignore the importance of learning.
c.Ignorance is often a major reason of making mistakes.
d.Many elderly people live ignored , not aware of the development of society. camps where they were tortured to deaths.
參考: 知少少扮代表.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 10:25:20
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