麻煩翻譯為英文 10分

2009-03-10 9:47 pm

回答 (6)

2009-03-11 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案

想叫同事幫手先印 hard copy 出來, 分給所有同事,

然後, 叫各同事填好份 form, 解釋缺席原因, 再加上主管的簽名作實, 才可以將文件交回來?

2009-03-11 13:16:13 補充:

想叫同事幫手先印 hard copy 出來, 分給所有同事, 然後, 叫各同事填好份 form, 解釋缺席原因, 再加上主管的簽名作實, 才可以將文件交回來 (人事部?).


Please send a hard copy of the attached file to all staff members.

Remind them that before sending it back to us,

check whether the absence reasons have been (clearly) written down,

with their supervisor's signature.

file 或 document 也可以;

all staff members 也可改為 all colleagues,

或 your colleagues 應該已夠清楚, 不必強調 all;

absence reasons 較 reasons for absence 簡潔.

2009-03-11 13:22:39 補充:
關於 supervisor / department head 等 ...

「如果」只涉及一個部門, 就一定不可用眾數.

「如果」是牽涉所有部門, 也未必適宜用眾數, 因為你不是要求各部門主管都要為不同部門的同事簽名, 只是為自己部門的下屬簽名.

2009-03-11 13:24:13 補充:
「如果」只涉及一個部門, 就一定不可用眾數. (除非一個部門有多個主管, 而你又要求所有主管都要簽)

2009-03-11 13:26:13 補充:
若認為此回答不夠好或需要補充, 請回覆, thanks! ^_^

2009-03-11 14:50:10 補充:
"check whether the absence reasons have been (clearly) written down, ..."

或可改為 "check whether they have put down the absence reason(s), ..."

2009-03-11 17:40:06 補充:

Remind them to put down the absence reason(s) and have it [the form] signed by the supervisor before returning it to us.
2009-03-11 6:39 am
2009-03-11 5:55 am
You will find enclosed file for your reference. Please distribute to every colleague for filling in the causes of absence and return the forms with the signatures of their department heads to us.
寫作要流暢, 切忌類聚。
2009-03-11 12:18 am
now are paid on a file, allocated to the colleagues and fill out the reasons for absence and to give back to us after the director Signature


參考: myself
2009-03-10 11:22 pm
Please hand the enclosing form to employees to fill in the reasons for absence and sign by the department head then return to us.
參考: self
2009-03-10 10:07 pm
Presently pays the file, after please assign for various colleagues and fills in the absence the reason and signs to the manager, returns us

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