English grammer

2009-03-10 7:53 pm
Can anyone please tell me which one of the following sentence is correct?

The baby cries when he wakes up.
The baby cries when he wake up.


回答 (3)

2009-03-10 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
" The baby cries when he wakes up" is correct.

Because we consider "The baby cries" and "he wakes up" as two different clauses. And they describe a general content, i.e. whenever the baby wakes up, he would just cry. This always happens.
2009-03-14 8:41 pm
The baby cries when he wakes up.

we will add "s/es" into the verb after "he/she/it'
"the baby" is in this circumstance.
the baby may
參考: me:)
2009-03-14 8:18 pm
"The baby cries when he wakes up" is correct

下次唔好咁樣問人, 因為咁樣唔會有進步.
要improve grammar, 就做多D練習啦~ =]

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