
2009-03-10 6:43 pm
我部電腦以前開檔案嘅排例次序係以「名稱排例」, 但係今日無端端變左以「日期排例」,我每次改返佢做名稱排例之後, 再開佢都係會變返以日期排例, 有咩辦法可以整到佢以後都係名稱排例唔洗次次改架..........

唔該唔好答我用....right click ......排例圖示依.......xxxxx呢個方法, 我試左廿九幾次都係唔得

回答 (1)

2009-03-10 7:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
After you have tried right click ... , you may have to set the the option "Remember each folder's view settings".

1. Using file explorer, navigate to the folder in question.
2. Under the "tools" tab, click folder options.
3. After that, click on the "view" tab.
4. Scroll down the "Advanced settings" bar. You should see a selection named "Remember each folder's view settings". Make sure that is checked.

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