My girfriend wears terrible clothes?

2009-03-09 5:34 pm
Hi i know this sounds shallow but it gets me down sometimes my girfriend is very attractive but nearly always wears baggy t shirts walking boots flat shoes never puts on make up and stuff, she's not too fat or skinny or anything every time I mention it she'll go out of her way to wear more of the same clothes. any suggestions on how to accept it ? sorry asking this question makes me feel kinda nasty

回答 (14)

2009-03-10 1:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
The problem is that she doesn't know that she's attractive. Continue to build her up positively leaving her wardrobe choice out of it. She's wearing the clothes she wears either to rebel or just because their comfortable. If you keep bringing it up, she's just going to keep wearing what she's wearing.

The lack of make-up is the same reasoning. Make-up enhances facial features. She most likely thinks there isn't anything to enhance.

I went through a baggy stage years ago myself and reacted the same way when my boyfriend approached me about it.
2009-03-09 5:41 pm
no sweets its ok to feel that way ..

u can have a word with her.. talk wz her about it , be respectful and understanding at the same time ..

try some introductions like : u know u looked great today but if u were to change " ..." u wud have been super pretty ..

stuff like that ..

offer some clothing help to her too .. like , try to have a day when u do all the shopping to her ... stuff alike ..

gd luck xx
2009-03-09 6:22 pm
I don't think you are shallow or nasty at all. Think about how you communicate other needs and desires in your relationship. If you don't, it's time to start! Remember that telling her those desires does NOT mean that she is required to do all that you ask, but she will hopefully take it to heart. Explain to her what you are currently seeing her do, and what you would like to see from her, and most importantly, offer your help, love and support whether she decides to change things or not. Good luck!
2009-03-09 5:39 pm
if you really like her you won't care about the clothes she wears. i know i can dress out of style or like a misfit just to see who will still be my friend and not be shallow.
just think of all the things you like about her =]
2009-03-09 5:41 pm
Not putting on make-up is a good thing. As for clothes, buy her some.
2016-10-15 9:26 pm
effective. If she would not choose to be with u 4 that, u know sh's not appropriate 4 u. there is somebody available 4 every physique. you basically could look 4 her. If u bottle it u and by some skill get married, you will possibly want a guility ethical experience. regularly friends never save secrets and strategies from one yet another. this is whats so super approximately it. look what occurred interior the Drew Carey instruct.Drew's brother became right into a crossdresser. Drew's Brother ended up MARRING Mimi!Oppisites allure to!(yet i'm unsure on the subject of the final area you stated)
2009-03-09 6:32 pm
Leave her alone and let her wear what she likes. You don't own her and you damn well shouldn't get a say in what she dresses like for I assume, your own shallow reasons. if she dresses like that its probably for comfort and might not want to dress in tight clothes and thick make-up just for you to lech at.
2009-03-09 5:53 pm
actually its really according to her style,if not the job she does or sport she does u wont tell me if she is an office lady she will put on like that,so may be she is a sporty person then its fine she puts on like that,but u can talk to her or take her some where one day to try out other outfits too.
2009-03-09 5:45 pm
i think you should buy her clothes that are basic and stylish i.e. fitted jeans and fitted t-shirts buy her clothes in the style she likes but that are more fitted this will make her look neat and tidy but not altering her prefered style...if she doesnt wear high shoes buy her a pair of boot with a tidy heel.....what ever u do dont make it to obvious your trying to change a particular aspect of her..she may get upset!!!
2009-03-09 5:46 pm
You're right. You do sound shallow.
If you truly love this girl, you wouldn't care what she wears. She is happy dressing the way she does, so stop trying to take her freedom and make her dress like something she isn't.
I like to wear baggy sweaters. My ex-boyfriend didn't like it: But do I care? No. Because I love who I am and how I dress, and I won't let any selfish, shallow pig tell me otherwise.
If you can't take someone for who they are, then you're an incredibly shallow control freak.
參考: And he was my ex after the incident where he said he didn't like my clothes.

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