girls only, have you worn your mom's pantihose before if you were in a hurry?

2009-03-09 5:08 pm

回答 (9)

2009-03-09 5:22 pm
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Not when I was in a hurry... but I used to wear my mum's old pantihose for PE class when it was cold! Since they were slightly worn-out and one size too big for me, they were quite comfy to be running about in.

Hey, Chelsea Rain, have some respect for your mother =p
2009-03-10 9:32 am
What a strange question! No :) x
2009-03-09 5:17 pm
i don't wear pantyhose
2009-03-09 5:15 pm
yes! all the time!
2009-03-09 5:15 pm
lol iv tried but im much smaller than her so it didnt work out
2009-03-09 5:12 pm
ya, im almost taller than my mom so ya. lol! im 13
2009-03-09 5:11 pm
When I was living at home, sure. We shared pantyhose even if we weren't in a hurry. Why not? You wear underwear under them.
2009-03-09 5:11 pm
2009-03-09 5:17 pm
umm honestly if i put my mothers pantihose on they would be way to big.. she is one of the plus sizes moms... [ewww]

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