
2009-03-10 6:12 am

Dear Friend,

My name is Mr. Christopher Sese, I am the Branch Manager of International Commercial Bank Kumasi branch Ghana. I write you this proposal in good faith; I lost my wife two month ago,God blessed me with two lovely children. I am a man of peace, and have sincere respect for human feelings and opinions. I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit you and I. As the Branch Manager of I.C.B,Kumasi branch Ghana, it is my duty to send in a financial report to my head office in the capital city, Accra at the end of each business year.

On the course of Dec, 2008 business report, I discovered that the branch in which I am the Manager made ($3,7500,000.00) which my head office is not aware of and will never be aware of. I have placed this funds on what we call Escrow call account with no beneficiary.

As an officer of this bank I cannot be directly connected to this money, so my aim of contacting you is to assist me receive this money in your bank account and get 35% of the total funds as commission.

It will be simply a bank-to-bank transfer, and all I need from you is to stand claim as the original depositor of these funds who made the deposit with my branch so that my head office can order the transfer to your designated bank account under few working days.

If you accept to work with me I will appreciate it very much as you are the first and the only person I am contacting for this transaction. send me an email as soon as you receive this message if you agree to work with me so that we can move over to the details.

Thank you in advance and may God bless you and your family


回答 (3)

2009-03-10 8:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
呢封信絕對係詐騙, 我也收過類似的信件, 例如說你中了什麼彩票, 繼承了什麼遺產等等.
首先, 這是詐騙的第一步. 請不要看得那般簡單, 以為真是有巨款從非洲國家 Ghana 匯過來. 相信你於 email 之中收到這封信, 這是所謂的濫發電郵或圾垃電郵. 犯罪份子甲先叫你 send me an email as soon as you receive this message, 當取得你的 email address 後, 知道這是一個真正有人用緊的 active email address, 再賣給犯罪份子乙圖利, 然後犯罪份子乙再賣給犯罪份子丙再圖利, 如此類推. 人家有了你的 email address 可以不斷 send 廣告, 宣傳或圾垃電郵給你, 因為經 email send 廣告, 成本是零.
另一方面, 當你回覆了 email 給那犯罪份子後, 他會在 email 之中, 嘗試和你交個朋友, 這當然須要時間. 但當取得你的信任, 然後再問你姓名, 年齡, 職業, bank account, 地址, 電話...等個人資料, 訛稱有巨款要借你的 bank account 一用, 實際上可能盜用你的個人資料, 作其他犯罪用途, 例如申請假信用卡. 你的職業越是祟高, 你的個人資料便越是有價值.
詐騙的第二步就是犯罪份子會憑著你和他之間的信任, send 一些有附件的電郵給你, 當你一 click open 之後, 便中了木馬程式, 為時已晚了.
詐騙的第三步就是犯罪份子取得你電腦的 IP address 之後, 加上你中了他的木馬程式, 他可以遙遠控制你的電腦 (除非你不連線上網), 令到你的電腦成為了他的 彊屍電腦, 用你的電腦和你 address book 的朋友作其他犯罪用途. 當有執法機關調查時, IP address 是源自你的電腦, 那麼, 你便成為了他的代罪羔羊.
其實 yahoo 一向都忠告各用戶, 千萬不要回覆不明來歷的電郵, 所以你收到的信件, 大可以 delete, 致諸不理. 多看一點電腦保安書籍吧, 到圖書館借亦可.
2009-03-14 2:49 am
2009-03-10 6:23 am
一定是騙人的. 別上當. Ghana匯款出境不客易, 受國家限制. 這麼大的匯款, 很難匯出的.
參考: 工作關係, 略知當地匯款要求不易

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