CE Econ要背的definition (20pts喔!)

2009-03-09 8:11 pm
請問有朋友可以把CE Econ所有要背的definition列出來嗎?(英文)



回答 (1)

2009-03-09 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Opportunity Cost::
Opportunity cost is defined as the highest valued option forgone.

Economic goods::
Economic goods are goods whose quantity is insufficient to satisfy all our wants, so that more is preferred to less.

Free goods::
Free goods are goods whose quantity is sufficient to satisfy all our wants, so that more of them are not preferred.

Law of diminishing marginal returns::
Holding technology level constant, as more variable factors are added to a given quantity of fixed factors, marginal products eventually drops.

Law of demand::
When the price of a good decrease(increase), it's quantity demanded will increase(decrease).

Law of supply::
When the price of a good increase(decrease), it's quantity supplied will increase(decrease).

Price elasticity of demand::
Price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded of a good to a change in it's own price.

Labour productivity::
Labour productivity is measured as the output per unit of lobour over a period of time.

Labour supply::
Labour supply is measured by the number of working hours provided by workers.

Gross domestic product is a measure of the total monetary value of final goods and services produced by all resident producing units of an economy over a period of time.

GNP measures the total income earned by residents of an economy from engaging in economic activities.

The consumer price index measures changes in the price level of a basket of consumer goods that reflect the expenditure pattern of a typical household.

The principle of Comparative advantage::
When countries specialise in goods which have a lower opportunity cost of production, their total output will be maximised.

希望幫到你:) 因為我都要CE,都想print出黎背~
so打埋比你喇~ 有漏ge你又想背自己再加番喇.
不過我唸都算齊重點ga na~ CE加油!

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