
2009-03-09 5:11 pm


回答 (2)

2009-03-10 10:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
出夜街的人 :
Most appropriate translation: night crawlers
You can also say : night-goers

Night Owl = people who sleep during the day and stay up late all night, doing
indoor or outdoor activities. It does not mean “they go out at night”.

There are other terms with similar meaning of night owls:
midnight hooters
night person(s)

出夜街的人doesn't mean night owls
參考: Myself
2009-03-09 7:10 pm
Night Owl = 出夜街的人

You can use the term "Night Owl" to describe someone who likes to hang out very late into the night.

Example: He loves to hang out with all the other night owls at the local bar until very early in the morning.

參考: 知少少份代表

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