Is it safe to go to Canada from California on the Greyhound?

2009-03-09 7:45 am
Yeah im going to Canada (Boyle Alberta to be exact) On the 14th By bus (Greyhound) I want to know what to do and is it safe im 19 and im going by myself so im scared....,
Any advice????

回答 (8)

2009-03-09 12:55 pm
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If this is a veiled reference to the horrifying murder of Tim MacClean (sp?) please note that such incidents are so stunningly rare which is why it was plastered all over the news.

If not, the other responder got it bang on correct. Canada is one of the safest nations. I understand you're scared so perhaps one strategy could include sitting up front and fairly close to the driver - not to converse with the driver (he or she will be busy driving so don't distract him or her) but because proximity to the driver may help generate some feelings of safety.

Actually, I would advise you bring a couple of good books to read. California to Alberta is a long trip and you'll need something to do.
2009-03-09 3:43 pm
Canada is one of the safest countries in the world therefore you will be SAFE once you are in other words you will actually feel SAFER in Alberta than you do in California
2009-03-09 9:08 pm
I am Canadian and have not heard bad things about the Greyhound. In general Canada is a pretty safe place. I went everywhere alone at 19 as I was single and never had a problem. I spent much time in Alberta and I went to Edmonton and Calgary alone as a single woman and went to the malls, parks, and all over by myself. It just seemed normal to me. I guess if you are from a place of high crime it may seem daunting, but you don't need an escort. Just use some street smarts and have fun!:)
2009-03-10 12:49 am
are you doing "au pair"or visiting relatives? Boyle Alberta is pretty much a speck in the woods. (about 800 people) Farm/Oil country.,_Alberta

The closest major city is edmonton about 100 miles before you get to Boyle. Just so you know where you are heading... that said... it can be beautiful country in the summer/

In any event bus ride you should be safe but prepare for a long long ride. Lots of books, dvds or something to while the time. Don't leave the bus terminals, even in Canada.
You will find the bus terminals and surrounding areas in many cities including edmonton (where you would have to change buses for Boyle) to be downtown and often not in best parts of town.
Dont be afarid to talk to "strangers" on the bus as getting to know a few people who are heading your direction is good. Someone else knows to "look" for you.

Have fun.
2009-03-09 11:48 pm
Canada is one of the safest countries in the world :) as mentioned above. I know that you are nervous though as you are travelling alone and a long way but just try and enjoy yourself (but don't forget yourself) just use common sense and such and you should be fine as well if you are truely nervous you could just be cautious (ex: double check your directions, make sure you have your wallet with you at all times, sit at the front of the bus, make sure you know where you are) just double check things so then you don't worry and enjoy yourself.
2009-03-10 1:14 am
i wouldn't do it...the US is a scary place
參考: Canadian
2009-03-10 4:15 am
Canada is a safe country. But because you're taking the greyhound and it's gonna be long ride with many stops, I'd suggest you get a seat closer to the front of the bus as possible (ie. a seat so that the bus driver can see you). This way, the bus driver will be more likely to remember you. I do a lot of traveling alone before and that's always something I try to at least someone on the bus will look out, or look for me if anything should go wrong.
2009-03-09 11:27 pm
haha Boyle, Alberta? That town is int he sticks North of Edmonton... interesting locational pick that's for sure.

You should be safe. I've rode the bus in the States and I thinkt he only main difference is, is that more people drink and smoke dope on the buses in Canada haha. But you shouldn't worry too much about any run-ins. Just keep to yourself, perhaps make some friends. Be prepared though.. my god that's a long drive.

If you're in SoCal hopefully you can just go the I-15, then Hwy 2 in Alberta the whole way until Edmonton.

I would take as much stuff as possible to keep you occupied because taht's gonna be a LONG journey.

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