how long is school in japan and china ?

2009-03-08 11:17 pm
the school hours! like from 7am to 2 pm or something like that!

回答 (4)

2009-03-09 1:50 am
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Regular school hours in major cities in both countries are from 7 or 8 am to around 4 pm. However, and this is a big "however", the majority of Japanese and Chinese students attend supplementary classes in the evening. These supplementary classes usually help to prepare students for university or high-school entrance exams (in Japan and China, students need to take exams to enter high school as well as university).

1. Japan:

In Japan, evening classes are mostly run by private institutions called "juku" which can be rather large in scale. Attendance is voluntary but students are often pressured to attend either by their parents or the need to do well on university or high-school entrance exams. Many Japanese students go to juku classes for a few hours every night of the week. A wide variety of courses are offered in the juku, ranging from the standard exam preparation courses to English conversation classes and musical instrument lessons.

Additionally, many private schools in Japan require students to stay for 2 hours after regular hours for extracurricular activities like clubs, sports and martial arts. Hence, the weekday schedule of a typical Japanese high school student might be something like this:

8am - 4pm: Classes at school
4pm - 6pm: Clubs and sports at school
6pm - 7pm: Time for a quick dinner
7pm - 10pm: Juku classes
11pm: Back at home to do homework.
After midnight: Time for 5 to 6 hours of sleep.

2. China:

In China, supplementary classes are often run by the schools themselves and attendance can be mandatory at the more elite schools. Classes can often run until midnight and it is not uncommon for students to get only 4 hours of sleep each night in the last year of high school because they spend so much time preparing for exams (the situation in Japan and South Korea is similar, but China has a lot more people and not so many universities so the competition is arguably more intense in China).

Institutions similar to the Japanese "juku" also exist in China, but they are on a smaller scale and known as buxishe or buxiban (literally "tutorial institution" or "tutorial class"). It's quite common for parents to send elementary school children for lots of classes at buxishe, sometimes as early as 6 in the morning.

Finally, China and other communist countries (like North Korea and the former Soviet Union) have government-run "children's palaces", which are centres for extracurricular activities including music, art and drama. Thus, children who want to become performers in the future will spend most of their time at the children's palace.
2009-03-09 1:11 am
Japanese kids spend a HUGE amount of time in school and sometimes even go to tutors after dinner. That doesn't count commute times. They also have more days of school than in the US. Japan has a very low teenage pregnancy rate and I think it's because they just don't have time to get into trouble. After school activities usually last until about 6pm. When I was teaching English, they would have an extra hour of class time before going home to do homework.
2009-03-09 12:14 am
Totally crazy, right?
Count at least 10-12 hours of studying every day. No wonder Japans suicide rate is so high :/
2016-09-09 1:24 pm
Not quite studying the whole lot all people wrote, however i noticed humans announcing china will surpass the US and japan at some point from a few humans. I doubt it, i'm an engineer and dealing for my PhD on the second, and from what i noticed of jap/chinese language running behavior/educational capacity. I used to be, unusually, disenchanted. Especially given their certainly undeserved repute as being super at technology/engineering, and their paintings ethic. Both international locations, paintings day = eight/9am till eight/9pm, however nobody does a darn factor the whole day. Students within the universities are sluggish in all, and there's a significant gradient among jap pupils and, say, american pupils, in a nasty manner. America could have a terrible top institution schooling, however we make up for it via having greater faculties. Anyway, it isn't what i heard approximately my whole existence. I have spoken with others who've been worried in paintings-existence in asian international locations as good, they have got trained me my studies weren't designated. If you might love to disagree with me, you will have to most commonly have greater than heresay to again your self up. As for japan being extra technologically constructed than China: definite, is sensible does not it? Japan is a small nation, with a one-minded culture of pushing for efficient residents. China is a significant nation with a significant populace, and has many extra disorders because of historical past, but additionally considering of the populace/measurement. Brazenly talking, better international locations have extra to manage, and while you're a nation like japan that doesn't spend any power on some other nation than themselves, effortless to look how their cash will get pumped into science. I am very keen on japan, i promise, i used to be simply being candid above.

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