
2009-03-08 8:23 pm

回答 (3)

2009-03-11 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 今晚吃得飽唔飽丫 = did you ate enough tonight?
答: Yeah, I am full.
Note: 英文不說 "飽唔飽", 只會說 "夠唔夠"?
故不可問: are you full tonight?
更不可說 (or even worse): you full no full tonight? 你今晚滿不滿?

我而家去返工啦 = I have to go back to work.
In USA, 美國人喜歡這樣說:
I have works to do right now.
I have a party to attend.
I have a swimming lesson to attend.
參考: self
2009-03-08 9:52 pm
Are you full tonight?
I am going to work now.
2009-03-08 9:27 pm
Tonight can eat to the full not full?
But I the family does over!

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