Making a sentence

2009-03-08 12:18 am
Could anybody help me to make a sentence as below:
(Begin the clause with that)
The girl _________________________________didn't give her name.

I have been thinking for 1 hour but I still cannot make a good sentence.

*For reference only

回答 (1)

2009-03-08 12:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
The girl that I met at the bar last night didn't give her name.

2009-03-07 16:39:47 補充:
The girl that bought the blue dress last week didn't give her name.

2009-03-07 17:02:51 補充:
The girl that reported the crime didn't give her name.
參考: 知少少份代表, 知少少份代表, 知少少份代表

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