
2009-03-07 8:43 pm


add cover cut deep-fry fry heat mix remove

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2009-03-08 3:59 am
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翡翠魚球Stir-fried Fish Fillet With Broccoli


材料 :Ingredients
西 蘭 花 4両 Broccoli 4 taels
魚 柳 6両 Fish Fillet 6 taels
薑 4片 Ginger 4 pc.
蒜 頭 1粒 Garlic 1 clove
蔥 2條 Spring onion 2 stalks
調 味 :Seasoning
糖 茶 匙 Sugar tsp.
古 月 粉 少 許 Pepper dash
粟 粉 1茶 匙 Cornflour 1 tsp.
鹽 茶 匙 Salt tsp
油 湯 匙 Oil tbsp.
芡 汁 :Sauce
糖 茶 匙 Sugar tsp.
鹽 茶 匙 Salt tsp.
古 月 粉 少 許 Pepper dash
粟 粉 1茶 匙 Cornlfour 1 tsp.
生 抽 1茶 匙 Light soya sauce 1 tsp.
酒 1茶 匙 Chinese wine 1 tsp.
麻 油 茶 匙 Sesame oil tsp.
水 3湯 匙 Water 3 tbsp.
製法 : Cooking Method:
1. 西 蘭 花 洗 淨 , 分 切 成 小 棵 , 用 滾 水 加 入 油 、 鹽 同 煨 約 2 分 鐘 , 隔 乾 水 備 用 。
1. Wash broccoli and cut into florets. Par-boil broccoli with boiling water, oil and salt for about 2 minutes. Drain.
2. 魚 柳 切 件 , 加 調 味 醃 約 10 分 鐘 , 泡 油 撈 起 候 用 。
2. Cut fish fillet into small pieces. Season for 10 minutes. Pre-cook in oil. Drain.
3. 蒜 頭 拍 扁 去 衣 , 蔥 切 段 。
3. Remove skin of garlic. Crush. Cut spring onion into 1” lengths.
4. 燒 紅 鑊 , 煮 沸 油 2 湯 匙 , 加 入 薑 及 蒜 頭 爆 香 , 倒 入 西 蘭 花 炒 熱 , 灒 酒 , 下 魚 件 及 芡 汁 拌 勻 。
4. Heat wok. Add 2 tbsp oil. Saut ginger and garlic, then add in broccoli to stir-fry, sizzle in wine, then add the fish fillet and the sauce, stir well.
5. 加 入 蔥 段 , 拌 勻 , 上 碟 。
5. Finally, add in spring onion, mix well. Dish up.
香檸炆排骨 Stewed Spare Ribs w/Lemon
材料: Ingredients :

18 兩腩排 (切兩吋段) 18 taels spare ribs

2 條荵 2 stalk spring onion

1/2 個檸檬 1/2 Lemon

2 粒蒜肉 2 Garlic

1/2 湯匙燒酒 1/2 tbsp cooking wine

醃料: Marinade:

1/2 湯匙老抽 1/2 tbsp dark soy sauce

調味料: Seasonings:

1 茶匙鹽 1 tsp salt

1 茶匙老抽 1 tsp dark soy sauce

2 湯匙片糖碎 2 tbsp ground sugar slap

做法: Method:

(1) 檸檬皮剁茸留用,檸檬切片去桃。
(1) Peel lemon, chop lemon peels & keep for later use. Slice & remove stone of pulp.

(2) 排骨洗淨抹乾,以老抽上色廿分鐘,下油炸至金黃色。
(2) Rinse & wipe spare ribs dry. Marinade with dark soy sauce for 20 mins.Deep-fry until in golden colour.

2009-03-07 20:00:31 補充:
(3) 下蒜肉及荵爆香,放回排骨,灒酒,加入兩杯水煮滾,以慢火煮三十分鐘。

(3) Saute garlic & spring onion, put spare ribs in & splash wine on. Pour 2glass of water for boiling until done. Cook over mild-heat for 30 mins.

2009-03-07 20:00:48 補充:
(4) 下檸檬片及調味料再煮十分鐘。

(4) Put lemon slices & seasonings in. Then stew for 10 mins.

(5) 待排骨軟身,加入檸檬皮絲兜勻,最後埋獻上碟。

(5) Cook until ribs tender, add in lemon peels for stir-frying. Thicken withcornflour water.

2009-03-07 20:01:26 補充:
琵 琶 豆 腐 Pi-Pa Beancurd

材料: Ingredients:

3 件豆腐 3 pieces beancurd

2 隻雞蛋 2 Eggs

500 克鮮蝦 500g Fresh shrimp

1 湯匙金華火腿 1 chopped Jinhua ham

調味料: Seasonings:

鹽 Some salt

生粉 cornflour

麻油 a dash of seasame oil

胡椒粉各少許 pinch of pepper

2009-03-07 20:01:45 補充:
做法: Method:

(1) 先將蝦去頭剝殼,挑去腸後用一茶匙鹽水浸洗乾淨及瀝乾。

(1) Remove head & shell shrimp. Devein and soak to rinse with 1 tsp salt water. Drain well.

(2) 然後用刀將蝦拍爛,放在碗內,加入一茶匙生粉和一隻雞蛋打至起膠。

(2) Mash the shrimp & put it into a bowl. Add in 1 tspcornflour & 1 egg. Blend into a paste.

2009-03-07 20:02:07 補充:
(3) 把豆腐搗爛,加入一隻雞蛋和蝦膠及調味料撈勻。

(3) Mash beancurd & add 1 egg & the shrimp paste. Blend well.

(4) 將湯匙抹上少許油,把材料放入成琵琶形蒸熟,候冷,由湯匙起出。

(4) Grease table spoon & put in the beancurd mixture & mould into Pi-Pa shape. Steam until done andleave to cool briefly. Remove beancurd from the spoons.

2009-03-07 20:02:33 補充:
(5) 然後逐個放入油鑊裡炸至金黃色,撈起上碟,即可供食。

(5) Deep-fry the beancurd until golden & drain the fat. Dish up & serve.
2009-03-12 2:49 am
Shrimps in Japanese Curry with Apple

Preparation Time:30 minutes
Cooking Time:30 minutes

1kg Shrimps
3 Potato(peeled, cut into wedges)
125g Japanese curry sauce mix(cube)
1 Japanese Fuji apple(sliced)
small amount Batter mix
1 litre Water

1 Remove the intestines and wipe dry, then coat the shrimps with the batter mix. Heat the oil, deep-fry the shrimps and drain.

2 Heat some oil in the saucepan and fry the potato until crispy. Add the curry sauce mix together with the water and cook until the sauce reaches your preferred thickness. Add the sliced apple and bring back to the boil.

3 Place the drained shrimps on a plate and pour over the curry sauce – the dish is ready to serve.

2009-03-11 18:50:30 補充:

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2009-03-11 18:50:57 補充:
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參考: http://www.amway.com.hk/alive/jun2007/34.html, Yahoo! 搜尋, Yahoo! 搜尋, Yahoo! 搜尋

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