'I think you are cute. Let's be friends?' Weird?

2009-03-07 5:42 am
I think someone in my school is really cute, but I don't her...
Do you think it is too weird to go up and introduce myself?
But i really don't see her often..

回答 (13)

2009-03-07 5:45 am
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Just go ahead and introduce yourself! It's nice when people do that.
2009-03-07 5:51 am
I think that would make her think that u just want to go out with her because of physical intentions. i mean coz she's beautiful, that's it. it makes girls think ur just after her beauty no other deeper reasons.. like prsonality or anything.
2009-03-07 5:49 am
Thats not weird at all! I do that! lol. Just don't walk up to this girl and tell her she's cute right away. Get to know her and become her friend. Then you could tell her, girls are more comfortable when a guy thats their friend tells them that.
2009-03-07 5:49 am
No! She might think that it's cute!

Will you help me also please?
2009-03-07 5:49 am
Wow! I would be soo happy if
a guy came up to meh and said heey.(:
I say go fer it !
2009-03-07 5:48 am
You got to start somewhere. Nonthing strange about an introduction.
2009-03-07 5:46 am
umm it's not wierd 2 just introduce urself but dont say "i think ur cute" cuz that would be really awkward.
2009-03-07 5:46 am
nope, thats perfectly NORMAL!!
2009-03-07 5:46 am
Personally, if I was single, I would love it if I guy approached me this way, if he was cute too.
2009-03-07 5:45 am
Just walk past her and smile and say Hey :)
then next time start a convo

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