Teenage ballet students on Youtube: sensitive and spiteful?

2009-03-07 3:09 am
Out of boredom, I watched a couple of "amateur" ballet videos on Youtube. Most of these videos are not too interesting... usually made by teenagers and with descriptions like "watch me go on pointe", or "watch me doing relevés, am I ready to go on pointe?".

What struck me, however, is the extreme sensitivity to criticism shown by some of the video posters, as well as the pettiness demonstrated by fellow ballet students.

Going through the comments, there is a lot of "you think you're so good, but I'm way better than you"

... Both people commenting on the video AND the person posting the video would write things like that. At the mildest criticism, the video poster would defend herself fiercely. In turn, the critic would respond with an equal dose of spitefulness.

What's with the pettiness?

I don't mean to stereotype ballerinas... in fact, such people are probably a *minority* of ballet students, namely, those who are attention-hungry enough to post "watch me go on pointe" on Youtube.

In any case, what is your take on this matter? I'd especially appreciate input from ballet teachers and students... do such attitudes belong to a minority (as I hope they do) or are they actually quite common as a result of fierce competition between ballet students?

I'm curious partially because I used to take part in piano competitions and underwent rather intense training for them. Among piano students (at least in Asia), there is a culture of taking fierce criticism from very fierce teachers and parents, and just sucking it up. At master classes, we'd get humiliated in front of large audiences (I actually cried once) but we didn't really care as long as we learnt something.

... Or perhaps it isn't a pianists vs. ballerinas issue, but rather a difference between East and West, in which the West places a much heavier emphasis on the "dignity" of the individual?

Again, I'd like to hear your thoughts. Thanks! ^^

回答 (5)

2009-03-07 6:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
well...the real ballerinas don't have the time to post a video of "watch me go en pointe!" (or, as the kind of people who do that kind of thing say: "watch me do point") and not many of them want to. a real ballerina knows how to take criticism, because they get it from their instructors. bad instructors just hand out compliments, but the ones teaching those serious about the art of ballet are very picky and give a lot of criticism. i totally agree with what you're saying, but understand that these people are mostly just the kind of people who dance 45 minutes a week and some insane studio decides to put them en pointe, and then they label themselves "ballerinas". it totally drives me nuts, too. in my ballet classes, my classmates give me criticism too and i'm glad that they do! whenever someone is sick or hurt, they watch class and write down what others in the class do well or don't do well. learning to accept criticism is an important part of ballet, and those who don't know how to accept it just shows that they don't understand how ballet works
參考: 8 years of ballet 5 days a week, 1.5 years en pointe
2009-03-07 11:46 am
One thing I found out very quickly when I began to be serious about my ballet. There is ALWAYS going to be someone better then you, even if you are a Principal in a major ballet company. The young dancers who post usually go to one studio and they are the big fish in the little pond. Where I study at a major ballet academy, everyone is pretty humble. When you dance with some of the best people, that puts things in a different perspective. I usually don't comment or get upset about students posting less then stellar work. I sure someone could find fault with my work too. I think that what you are talking about including the people who respond to it, is just a small studio mentality.
參考: Advanced student in a major ballet academy
2009-03-07 12:15 pm
ive been doing ballet for a couple of years now and would soon like to go on point,
i know what your talking about in the "watch me on point" videos i kinda think its just the person having fun or trying to show off, but i really hate it when everyone gets in those huge fights saying things to the person like u suck, im better than you and crap like that or when the really advanced ballerinas say things like your bad im so much better what your doing is wrong and crap like that
people may be like posting these videos to just get attention or show off what they can do, but what i dont get is why the people saying u suck waist their time saying things like that while they can easily just search or watch someother video
and the people in the videos might know that their not the best they are just posting to post, but those who say your not as good as you think probably just suck themselves and like ruining others lifes and insulting people and crap
i do belive that some of the posters are over-sensative and could toughen up a bit but the people saying all the mean crap just need to stop and get on with their lives
2009-03-07 11:41 am
I've been on pointe for two years ( i also play piano) and i dont know why these people are so sensitive as their teachers probably reprimand them all the time...if they want them to get better. A lot of people, unlike the teachers, however, post just flat out criticizing comments rather than constructive ones. I have no clue why they have to be so mean! but it is definitely annoying when people post videos of their feet...up, down. there's lots of awesome dance vids out there, but who wants to watch that? Yes, there can be a lot of competition between ballet students, especially in the same classes, but this is a bit much. they probably don't even know each other!
2009-03-07 11:14 am
i am a ballerina and i dont take any of that offensive
i have been dancing for 11 years 3 pointe and i HATE when retard amaeturs put watch me on pointe when they cant even go on pointe
i hate it and its retarded its like you have a gift why put it on youtube?
frekin retards
as good as i am i wud never do that
only a pro would do that

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