What can i give a dog as a laxative.. too make him poop?

2009-03-07 1:31 am
My dogs been throwing up today since 3 in the morning. vet told us not to give him too much water and no food at all. Im almost positive he has a blockage and the vets closed by now and i wont be able to make it to a pet store until the morning but i need to know if theres anything i can do to make him take a poop..ive tried pushing on his belly and squeezing his butt hole. i dont know what else to do.

回答 (7)

2009-03-08 1:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
The best thing to give your dog if they are constipated is canned pumpkin. Just give him a tablespoon of it. I don't know what size of dog you have but start with 1 tablespoon. It's safe for dogs, it works great and dogs love it. Basically, it's a natural laxative for dogs. Much better than a laxative pill.
I would also look up the local emergency vet near you. Most vets, if you call them, there is a message giving you the phone number of the emergency vet in your area.
If your dog is still throwing up, I would call them. It is important to get your dog to drink water if they want it because they can become dehydrated and that would cause even more problems. Just don't let him drink a lot.
If your dog's stomach is bloated and tight, that usually means the dog either has a blockage or is constipated. I don't know how long it's been since your dog pooped. Try the pumpkin. You may need to give him a couple of tablespoons of the canned pumpkin. If your dog is a medium to large size dog, it may take more pumpkin. Also, gently massagage his abdomen.
After you give him the pumpkin, walk him about an hour or so later unless he needs to go sooner. Watch him and if he gets worse, you need to call or take him to the emergency vet. If it's serious, he may need to be seen before Monday.
I know your dog must be feeling bad. Usually, if it's just a stomach virus, it will pass within a day or so.
If he starts acting like he usually does, the vomiting calms down and he poops, feed your dog a light meal, such as chicken and rice, scrambled egg or mashed potatoes.
Hopefully the pumpkin will help your dog feel better. Just give him what he can tolerate. Hopefully, if it's just a stomach virus, it will only last a day or so.
Best of luck to your dog. Hope I helped.
2009-03-07 1:36 am
This poor dog...
First of all, do you even realize how rare it is for a dog to be constipated without being obstructed or having some other medical problem?? You can't simply solve the problem by giving him a laxative-in fact you can do more damage to colon/intestinal track-perhaps even causing a prolapsed anus.
This dog-whether you have the money or not needs to be seen by a vet. Borrow money for friends, put in on the credit card, whatever you need to do.

Dog that are vomiting food and water and unable to keep themselves hydrated will die...
參考: work in a vet clinic
2009-03-07 1:36 am
You're kidding right?

Well if you aren't, and you haven't given him any wormer recently try that. It's basically a doggie laxative.
2009-03-07 1:37 am
usually a dog eats grass to settle an upset stomach and to get what is causing the vomiting out of their system. Take him outside and let him eat some grass and that should do the trick.
參考: experience
2017-01-15 11:46 pm
the main basic clarification for constipation is swallowing gadgets which at the instant are not definitely digested, if in any respect, inclusive of slightly dry bone. even with the shown fact that, it may additionally be led to by utilising slower intestinal approaches, enlarged prostates, concurrent kidney sickness, hernias, or basically swallowing grass or hair.Neutering your canine at an early age will additionally ward off develop of the prostate, which could bring about constipation. Take your canine to the vet to get looked at
2009-03-07 2:21 pm
I just agree with happy! Because I have a dog before, it sick and ate some grass and recovered without a vet.
2009-03-07 1:38 am
i had this problem one time with my chihuahua. it actually happened by accident, but i was taking his temp to be sure he didn't have a fever. well by the second time i pushed the thermometer in just a little more then you would for temp taking and moved it around very carefully in small circles and then let him outside, HE DID POOP AFTER THAT. and that was after 3 days of not going. if you don't feel comfortable doing it however, then i just wouldn't do it.

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