Website help. picture not showin up?

2009-03-06 6:07 pm

instead of a map showing up, an icon with a piece of paper ripped in half shows up. What does that icon mean?

My website runs on CGI, HTML, and C

回答 (3)

2009-03-06 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That icon means a broken image - the image cannot be displayed because it cannot be found.

I checked your source code and I found this:

<img src='draw_route.cgi?start=203&end=204&database=./GPS_database_uptodate.txt&image=./mapbw.ppm&pixels=./pixels_for_huge_map.txt&crop=0'>

Is 'draw_route.cgi?start=203&end=204&database=./GPS_database_uptodate.txt&image=./mapbw.ppm&pixels=./pixels_for_huge_map.txt&crop=0' the correct path to the image?

You might want to make sure you have the correct path.
2009-03-07 2:18 am
a piece of ripped up paper means the browser cant get the image. that piece of paper comes from YOUR browser, saying that it can't find the image. for example, if i put an image tag in a site which contains OIUHDFH.gif, and that file doesn't exist, this icon shows up.

that was reason no. 1...

reason no.2 could be something wrong with ur server, ie it isnt providing the image properly, like maybe u set permissions in a wrong way, and now no1 can see the image.

hope i helped. if it still doesnt work, i would just say f* it, and upload an image to like, imageshack, and put that into the source.
參考: the fertile mind of the innocent disbelievers.
2009-03-07 2:18 am
It means that it (the server) can't find the image.

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